Show Me the Money is the definitive business journalism textbook that offers hands-on advice and insights into the job of a business journalist. Chris Roush draws on his experience as both a business journalist and educator to explain how to cover businesses, industry and the economy, as well as where to find sources of information for stories and how to take financial information and make it work for a story.

Updates to the third edition include:

  • Inclusion of timely issues related to real estate;
  • Additional examples from websites and other nontraditional business media such as BuzzFeed and Quartz;
  • Tips from professional business journalists including Andrew Ross Sorkin of The New York Times and Jennifer Forsyth of The Wall Street Journal.

Essential for both undergraduate and graduate courses in business journalism and professional business journalism newsrooms, Show Me the Money is a must-read for reporters, editors and students who want to learn the ins and outs of how to cover public and private companies. Additional materieals, including a sample syllabus and additional links and tips for students can be found at https://www.routledge.com/products/9781138188389

chapter 1|17 pages

Business Journalism’s Importance

chapter 2|26 pages

Some Business Journalism Basics

chapter 3|24 pages

Basic Business Journalism Beats

chapter 4|23 pages

Covering Economics Stories

chapter 6|26 pages

Basic Company News Stories

chapter 7|28 pages

Mergers and Acquisitions

chapter 8|36 pages

Covering Wall Street

chapter 9|30 pages

Executives as a News Story

chapter 10|26 pages

Covering Small and Private Companies

chapter 11|27 pages

Nonprofits and Foundations

chapter 12|33 pages

Business News in the Courthouse

chapter 13|27 pages

Covering Real Estate

chapter 14|38 pages

Business Stories Within the Government

chapter 15|23 pages

Personal Finance