In his Commentarii de Bello Civili Julius Caesar sought to re-invent his image and appear before his present and future readers in a way which he could control and at times manipulate. Offering a new interpretation of the Bellum Civile this book reveals the intricate literary world that Caesar creates using sophisticated techniques such as a studied choice of vocabulary, rearrangement of events, use of indirect speech, and more. Each of the three books of the work is examined independently to set out the gradual transformation of Caesar's literary persona, in step with his ascent in the 'real' world. By analysing the work from Caesar's viewpoint the author argues that by adroit presentation and manipulation of historical circumstances Caesar creates in his narrative a different reality, one in which his conduct is justified. The question of the res publica is also a key point of the volume, as it is in the Bellum Civile, and the author argues that Caesar purposely does not present himself as a Republican, contrary to commonly held views. Employing detailed philological analyses of Caesar's three books on the Civil War, this work significantly advances our understanding of Caesar as author and politician.

chapter |10 pages


part |2 pages

Part I Bellum Civile I

chapter 1|6 pages

The Six Opening Chapters

chapter 3|18 pages

Rei Publicae Causa?

part |2 pages

Part II Bellum Civile II

chapter 6|8 pages

The Uniqueness of Bellum Civile II

chapter 7|14 pages

Caesaris Miles

chapter 8|8 pages

The Pompeians in Bellum Civile II

part |2 pages

Part III Bellum Civile III

chapter 10|16 pages

The Triumph of Caesar