Stagecraft Fundamentals tackles every aspect of basic theatre production with Rita Kogler Carver’s signature wit and engaging voice. The history of stagecraft, safety precautions, lighting, costumes, scenery, career planning tips, and more are discussed, illustrated by beautiful color examples that both display step-by-step procedures and break with the traditionally boring black and white introductory theatre book. This third edition improves upon the last, featuring three new chapters on design for props, projection, and touring. Also included are new end-of-chapter questions and an expanded discussion on LED lighting, stage automation, digital technology, stage management, makeup, theatre management, and sound design.  This is the must have introductory theatre production book.

part One|123 pages

History and Art

chapter Chapter One|22 pages

Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going

A Brief History and Introduction

chapter Chapter Two|18 pages

It’s All About Collaboration

Design for Theatre

chapter Chapter Three|12 pages

Making It Visual


chapter Chapter Four|16 pages

Black and White Are Colors TOO!

Color Theory

chapter Chapter Five|54 pages

Creating the Stage Picture

Drawing, Rendering, and Drafting

part Two|125 pages

Safety and Scenery

chapter Chapter Six|18 pages

Safety First!


chapter Chapter Seven|38 pages

Setting It All Up

Scenic Tools and Materials

chapter Chapter Eight|28 pages

How to Get It Done

Scenery Standard Techniques and Practices

chapter Chapter Nine|14 pages

Deck the Halls


chapter Chapter Ten|26 pages

A Little Dab Will Do Ya


part Three|83 pages

Rigging and Lighting

chapter Chapter Eleven|28 pages

Hanging by a Thread


chapter Chapter Twelve|38 pages

House to Half …


chapter Chapter Thirteen|16 pages

Is This Thing On?


part Four|51 pages

Costume and Makeup

chapter Chapter Fourteen|30 pages

All Dressed up with Someplace to Go


chapter Chapter Fifteen|20 pages

Put on a Happy Face

Hair and Makeup

part Five|51 pages

Projections and Special Effects

chapter Chapter Sixteen|30 pages

Beyond Hand Puppets


chapter Chapter Seventeen|20 pages

The Magic Behind the Curtain

Special Effects

part Six|46 pages

Stage Management and Careers

chapter Chapter Eighteen|20 pages

Warning, Standby, Go!

Stage Management

chapter Chapter Nineteen|14 pages

Taking the Show on the Road


chapter Chapter Twenty|14 pages

What’s Next?

Career Choices