The Astrophotography Manual, Second Edition is for photographers ready to move beyond standard SLR cameras and editing software to create beautiful images of nebulas, galaxies, clusters, and the stars. Beginning with a brief astronomy primer, this book takes readers through the full astrophotography process, from choosing and using equipment to image capture, calibration, and processing. This combination of technical background and hands-on approach brings the science down to earth, with practical methods to ensure success.

This second edition now includes:

  • Over 170 pages of new content within 22 new chapters, with 600 full-color illustrations.
  • Covers a wide range of hardware, including mobile devices, remote control and new technologies.
  • Further insights into leading software, including automation, Sequence Generator Pro and PixInsight
  • Ground-breaking practical chapters on hardware and software as well as alternative astrophotography pursuits

part |26 pages

Astronomy Primer

chapter |3 pages

The Diverse Universe of Astrophotography

A totally absorbing hobby, limited only by your imagination, patience and weather
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |7 pages


The thing about space is when you think you have seen it all, something truly bizarre shows up
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |2 pages


It is easy to forget that the availability of detailed planetarium and catalog data on personal devices was only made possible by the patient and astonishing dedication of generations of astronomers
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |5 pages

Four Dimensions and Counting

Locating an object in 3-D space from a spinning and wobbling planet, which orbits a star, which orbits its galactic center that itself is receding from most other galaxies is … interesting
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |8 pages

Limits of Perception

In the UK, if I had known how many clear nights there would be in the year, I would have taken up fishing
ByChris Woodhouse

part |66 pages

Choosing Equipment

chapter |17 pages

The Ingredients of Success

Some practical considerations to steer one through the maze of options. After all, success breeds success
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |4 pages

New Tools

An exciting time, when new products and concepts challenge the establishment
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |14 pages

General Equipment

I have found it is an unnatural act to keep to a budget, make the right choices (at the beginning) and prioritize correctly
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |24 pages

Imaging Equipment

Imaging requires a complex system of hardware and software to run for hours without issue. The options increase every day and making choices is not easy
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |6 pages

A Portable System

There is no single perfect trade-off between portability and performance. It is a personal thing
ByChris Woodhouse

part |32 pages

Setting Up

chapter |16 pages

Hardware Setup

A little preparation goes a long way
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |7 pages

Software Setup

In the ever-changing world of operating systems, updates and upgrades, it is optimistic to assume that it will be “all right on the night”
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |8 pages

Wireless / Remote Operation

Moore’s law is alive and kicking
ByChris Woodhouse

part |53 pages

Image Capture

chapter |7 pages

Sensors and Exposure

Understanding how sensors work and their real-world limitations are key to achieving high-quality images
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |6 pages


The difference between an excellent and an “OK” focus position may only be ten microns. The effect on the image is often far greater
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |19 pages

Autoguiding and Tracking

A perpetually thorny subject, laid bare to develop into robust strategies
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |8 pages

Pointing and Tracking Models

New technologies to make pixel-perfect object location and unguided long-duration exposures a reality
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |6 pages

Sequencing, Automation and Scripting

The power of automation extends one’s ability to image for longer and adapt to changing conditions, with an immediate benefit on image quality and sleep
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |6 pages


Sometimes, imaging the very big is more impressive than the very small
ByChris Woodhouse

part |58 pages

Image Calibration and Processing

chapter |5 pages

Post Exposure

To me, the magic of monochrome photography occurs in the dark. The same is true of astrophotography, except the lights are turned on
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |8 pages

Getting Started in PixInsight

Proving that quick (or easy) is seldom best
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |10 pages

Image Calibration and Stacking

Two strategies that go hand-in-hand to remove mean errors and reduce the noise level in the final image
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |10 pages

Linear Image Processing

It easy to forget that sensor data is inherently linear and that some image processing algorithms, to be effective, depend on unadulterated sensor data
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |15 pages

Non-Linear Image Processing

These are the rules: There are no rules, but if it looks right, it probably is
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |9 pages

Narrowband Image Processing

For astrophotographers living in light-polluted areas, narrowband imaging is a savior and a thing of wonder to everyone else
ByChris Woodhouse

part |43 pages

Pix Insights

chapter |10 pages


This set of tasks is often automated for convenience but a little extra effort often improves image quality
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |13 pages

Seeing Stars

Stars are “just” points of light. Tricky little devils. They show up every slip we make
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |9 pages

Noise Reduction and Sharpening

Astrophotography requires specialized techniques to reduce image noise and improve definition, without each destroying the other
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |4 pages

Image Stretching

Just as when a print emerges from a tray of developer, this is the magical moment when you find out if your patience has been rewarded
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |5 pages

Color Filter Array (CFA) Processing

Color cameras do not require filter wheels to produce color but require some unique image processing techniques
ByChris Woodhouse

part |77 pages

First Light Assignments

chapter |3 pages

Practical Examples

An extensive range of worked examples; with acquisition and processing notes, warts and all
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |4 pages

M51a/b (Whirlpool Galaxy)

A reminder of how it used to be …
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |4 pages

M45 (Pleiades Open Cluster)

What it takes; when “OK” is not quite good enough
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |6 pages

C27 (Crescent Nebula) in Narrowband

A first-light experience of an incredible nebula, using new imaging equipment and software
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |6 pages

M31 (Andromeda Galaxy)

Sensitivity and novel techniques to get the best from a classic subject
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |5 pages

IC1805 (Heart Nebula) in False Color

Synthetic colors, synthetic luminance and real stars
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |5 pages

Horsehead and Flame Nebula

A popular, yet challenging image to capture and process
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |4 pages

Comet C/2014 Q2

I find it ironic that Messier’s catalog was created with the purpose to identify “non-comets”
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |5 pages

M27 (Dumbbell Nebula)

A lesson in observation and ruthless editing to improve definition
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |4 pages

M3 (Globular Cluster), revisited

The journey continues; the outcome of 3 years of continual refinement
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |9 pages

Exoplanet and Transit Photometry

If you thought astrophotography was demanding, think again
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |5 pages

NGC1499 (California Nebula Mosaic)

My first mosaic, using special tools in Sequence Generator Pro and PixInsight
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |5 pages

NGC2264 (Cone Nebula Region)

An experiment in wide-field portable imaging, using color cameras
ByChris Woodhouse

chapter |6 pages

3-D Video Imaging

A great way to breathe new life into an iconic image
ByLawrence Dunn

chapter |5 pages

IC1396A (Elephant’s Trunk Nebula)

An astonishing image, from an initially uninspiring appearance
ByChris Woodhouse