A legislative and administrative history on the social, cultural, and intellectual significance of the national park idea. Originally published in 1961

chapter |10 pages


part |2 pages

PART ONE The Early Parks: 1872-1916

chapter I|40 pages

Yellowstone Park

chapter II|48 pages

Yosemite Park

chapter III|24 pages

Sequoia and General Grant Parks

chapter IV|11 pages

Mount Rainier Park

chapter V|10 pages

Crater Lake Park

chapter VII|20 pages

The Antiquities Act: The National Monuments

chapter VIII|10 pages

Mesa Verde Park

chapter IX|14 pages

Glacier Park

part |2 pages

PART TWO The National Park Service: 1916-1959

chapter X|37 pages

The Mather Administration, 1917-1928

chapter XI|24 pages

The Mather Administration, 1917-1928

chapter XII|27 pages

The Mather Administration, 1917-1928

chapter XIII|30 pages

The Mather Administration, 1917-1928

chapter XIV|23 pages

The Mather Administration, 1917-1928

chapter XV|17 pages

The Albright Administration, 1929-1933

chapter XVI|16 pages

The Albright Administration, 1929-1933

chapter XVII|24 pages

The Cammerer Administration, 1933-1940

chapter XVIII|19 pages

The Cammerer Administration, 1933-1940

chapter XIX|19 pages

The Cammerer Administration, 1933-1940

chapter XX|28 pages

The Cammerer Administration, 1933-1940

chapter XXI|24 pages

The Drury Administration, 1940-1951

chapter XXII|22 pages

The Drury Administration, 1940-1951

chapter XXIII|28 pages

The Drury Administration, 1940-1951

chapter XXIV|17 pages

The Wirth Administration, 1951-

chapter XXV|23 pages

The Wirth Administration, 1951-

chapter XXVI|14 pages

The Wirth Administration, 1951-

part |2 pages

PART THREE Special Park Problems

chapter XXVII|33 pages


chapter XXVIII|13 pages

National Park Concessions

chapter XXIX|20 pages

Financing the Parks

chapter XXX|19 pages

Wilderness Areas

chapter XXXI|13 pages

National Parks in Other Countries