According to the FAO, one person in three in sub-Saharan Africa suffers from malnutrition, and one in seven is in danger of dying. Most African countries no longer seem capable of ensuring that their people have access to sufficient food. Given the failure of past efforts the objectives of food security policies and their effectiveness have to be reconsidered. This book shows that the debate on food security policies has changed with the passage of time. The entitlement debate triggered by A. Sen had a major influence on this change but, the bearing of socio-economic structures on the food security of African households and their individual members are still not fully recognised.

part |1 pages

Part I Trend in the International Debate on Food Security

part |2 pages

Part II Reflections on the Effectiveness of Policies in Relation to Various Aspects of Food Security

chapter 1|3 pages

A Brief Introduction

chapter 3|9 pages

Essential Aspects of Household Economics

chapter 6|4 pages

Summary of the Empirical Findings

part |1 pages

Part V Conclusions for the Conception of Food Security Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa

part |2 pages


chapter 2|2 pages


chapter 3|10 pages

Data sheet on Tanzania