This text analyzes the USSR's interest in the countries of the Persian Gulf. The book places such interest within the context of the USSR's relations with the Arab world and the complexities of power politics.

chapter I|20 pages

Oil: The USSR and the Persian Gulf

chapter II|7 pages

Russia and the Middle East

chapter III|6 pages

Soviet Regime - First Stages (1917-1947)

chapter IV|12 pages

Limited Soviet Successes (1940-late 1950s)

chapter V|13 pages

The Breakthrough (late 1950s-1967)

chapter VIII|14 pages

South Yemen - The Cuba of the Middle East

chapter IX|7 pages

Power Rivalry in the Indian Ocean

chapter X|11 pages

Trends and Considerations

chapter |4 pages

Appendices:1. Soviet-Iraqi Treaty

chapter 2|4 pages

Soviet-Somali Treaty