First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

chapter 3|2 pages

Devotion to the God of gods

chapter 6|1 pages

The Divine sovereignty

chapter 8|1 pages

Secret sin not unobserved

chapter 15|1 pages

Fools mistake evil for good

chapter 19|1 pages

The same

chapter 22|1 pages

The Indian Rationalist in ancient times

chapter 25|1 pages

Virtue unreal and useless

chapter 26|4 pages

The Rule of Duty difficult to ascertain

chapter 28|1 pages

The only inseparable friend

chapter 30|1 pages

No distinctions in the grave

chapter 34|1 pages

Final overthrow of the wicked

chapter 37|1 pages

No second youth to man

chapter 41|1 pages

Remember thy mortality

chapter 44|1 pages

Men should think on their end

chapter 52|1 pages

Virtue difficult; vice easy

chapter 58|2 pages

The mysteries of destiny

chapter 59|1 pages

The same

chapter 64|1 pages

The vanity of human ambition

chapter 65|1 pages

The path of salvation

chapter 69|1 pages

A guide through the gloom

chapter 73|3 pages

The watchtower of wisdom

chapter 75|6 pages

Nachiketas: a theosophic story

chapter 76|4 pages

Wonderful attributes of the Brahmans

chapter 77|1 pages

Diversities among Brahmans

chapter 79|1 pages

No distinction of castes

chapter 81|1 pages

Honour due not to class, but to character

chapter 83|1 pages

Generous impartiality

chapter 87|1 pages

What makes a man a Brahman

chapter 89|1 pages

Goodness essential to a Brahman

chapter 91|1 pages

Profession without practice

chapter 94|1 pages

The real ascetics

chapter 97|1 pages

Condemnation of premature asceticism

chapter 98|1 pages

What determines the character of actions

chapter 101|1 pages

Truth better than sacrifice

chapter 105|1 pages

Loss of virtue the only real loss

chapter 110|1 pages

Moral goodness essential

chapter 114|1 pages

The best use of wealth

chapter 122|1 pages

The humble are wise

chapter 128|1 pages

Marks of a good man

chapter 139|1 pages

"Overcome evil with good,"

chapter 143|1 pages

Suppliants not to be sent empty away

chapter 147|1 pages

A man may learn from the humblest, &c.

chapter 150|1 pages

Evil men to be avoided

chapter 153|1 pages

Undiscerning men's praise worthless

chapter 157|1 pages

Good advice not to be wasted on fools

chapter 160|1 pages

The same

chapter 163|1 pages

The same

chapter 166|1 pages

Broken friendships never thoroughly cemented

chapter 168|1 pages

Dishonest eulogists and secret detractors

chapter 171|1 pages

Conditions of success

chapter 174|1 pages

What energy can effect

chapter 177|1 pages

Evil of indecision

chapter 181|1 pages

The cure for grief

chapter 185|1 pages

Content and final blessedness

chapter 189|1 pages

Desire insatiable

chapter 191|1 pages

Evils of wealth: praise of contentment

chapter 192|1 pages

A man's aims vary with his time of life

chapter 194|1 pages

Wealth often injurious

chapter 195|1 pages

The same

chapter 199|1 pages

The same

chapter 210|1 pages

To give advice easy; to act well difficult

chapter 213|1 pages

The same

chapter 217|7 pages

Caution in dealing with a foe

chapter 221|13 pages

A Kshatriya heroine's exhortation to her son

chapter 222|2 pages

Praise of women

chapter 223|2 pages

The same

chapter 224|1 pages

The bachelor only half a man

chapter 227|1 pages

Women naturally pandits

chapter 229|1 pages

A spell to promote concord in a family

chapter 231|2 pages

Self-conquest must precede other conquests

chapter 232|1 pages

Mercy should be shown to ignorant offenders

chapter 236|1 pages

Untravelled men's horizon contracted

chapter 241|9 pages


chapter 242|5 pages


chapter 243|5 pages


chapter 244|13 pages


chapter 245|1 pages

Parjanya, the Rain god

chapter 246|1 pages

Vata or Vayu, the Wind god

chapter 247|1 pages

Surya, the Sun

chapter 248|3 pages

Ushas, the Indian Aurora

chapter 249|3 pages

Agni, the god of Fire

chapter 250|2 pages

Yama, and a future life

chapter 251|1 pages

Nonentity, Entity, and the One

chapter 252|1 pages

Aranyani, the Forest goddess

chapter 253|2 pages

Men's various tastes

chapter 255|1 pages

Praise of liberality

chapter 256|1 pages

The same

chapter 257|1 pages

The frogs in autumn

chapter 258|2 pages

The warrior