We know students have more to learn than ever before and there is a lot of pressure to perform well on tests, demonstrating superior learning. However, common study strategies such as cramming, highlighting text, and repeated reading have little impact in the longer-term. This exciting new book reveals the effective study strategies that will help you to use your time more efficiently, ace your tests, and retain information over time.

In full color and accompanied by beautifully illustrated graphics, Ace That Test offers evidence-based learning strategies that students can use during their study sessions, including dual coding and the power of retrieving what they know. Including concrete examples of the ways students can use each strategy, illustrations to leverage dual coding principles of learning, and questions and activities for retrieval practice, the book covers:

• How to prepare your mind for learning

• Making better decisions about what you study

• Planning study sessions

• Use visuals and words to aid understanding

• Understanding concepts

• Improving learning in the long run

• Reading and note-taking strategies

With QR codes linking to answers to embedded questions and supplemental material, this is essential reading for college, university, and school students as well as educators teaching study skills or learning to learn courses.

Preface  1. Introduction  1. The science of learning is flexible (and so is this book)  2. Science literacy: Why should you trust the advice in this book?  2. Getting ready to learn  3. Assigned work and studying are not the same, and you need to do both!  4. Your brain is part of your body: Preparing your mind for learning  5. The myth of multitasking: Preparing your environment for learning  6. How do I know what I (don’t) know?  7. Planning your study sessions is important  3. Study strategies that work  8. Bring to mind what you can remember  9. Find multiple concrete examples  10. Use visuals and words to help you understand  11. Describe and explain how things work  12. Jumble it all up  13. Use effective note-taking strategies  14. Avoid strategies that don’t work  15. Conclusion: Believe in yourself  Glossary