This unique book offers compelling stories to help you encounter life with mindfulness and find new vigor on your teaching path. Author Richard Brady, founder of the Mindfulness in Education Network, shares his experiences in a variety of areas, including motivation, agency and freedom, creativity, nurturing presence and community, and more. Following each story, you’ll find reflections and contemplations that invite connection with your own experiences and ultimately with action. The book can be used by educators of all levels and subject areas, for personal use and for in-service and pre-service education.

Part I: Catching Fire Student-led Learning. Acceptance and Self-acceptance. What They're Interested In. Food. Parents. Lighting Fires. Vigor Part II: Living Without Boundaries New Kinds of Teaching. Risk and Safety. Freedom. Learning Together. Alone No Longer. Together We Are One Part III: Seeing With the Heart Beholding. Presence. Stopping. Discovering Myself. Deep Community. Creating Space Part IV: Walking My Path The Conditions Are Perfect. Well-being and Happiness. Causes and Conditions. Ripening. Time to Say Goodbye