This book, first published in 1933, reproduces the diary of the 1930 explorations by the great Italian traveller, Giotto Dainelli. In it he records his experiences as he travels the little-explored (by Westerners) region of Western Tibet, and the result is a detailed snapshot of Tibetan life, cultures and customs of the time.

chapter II|10 pages

In Kashmir

chapter III|10 pages

Crossing the Zoji-La

chapter IV|9 pages

Across Purig

chapter V|12 pages

Into the Buddhist Country

chapter VI|8 pages

From One Gompa to Another

chapter VII|11 pages

Amongst the Tibetans

chapter VIII|8 pages

Arrival At Leh, The Capital

chapter IX|13 pages

My Duties at Leh

chapter XI|11 pages

Up the Nubra Valley

chapter XII|11 pages

We Reach the Great Siachen Glacier at Last

chapter XIII|10 pages

Mechanism of the March on the Glacier

chapter XV|10 pages

Arrival at the Oasis of Teram Sher

chapter XVI|11 pages

Life in an Oasis amongst the ICE

chapter XVIII|12 pages

We Leave the Siachen in a Storm-

chapter XX|12 pages

The Caravan-Road of Death

chapter XXII|12 pages

A Halt at LEH, The Capital

chapter XXIII|11 pages

Ladakhi Life

chapter XXIV|13 pages

Houses, Palaces, Monasteries

chapter XXV|11 pages

Farewell to Ladakh

chapter XXVI|12 pages

The Life of the Nomads

chapter XXVII|10 pages

The Return to India