First published in 1975. This title presents a series of vivid insights and images, explaining the problems in the field, the machinery and techniques, science and economics, and what it means to the farm worker. The book depicts and explains the sophisticated techniques with which the farmer tackles the problems of soil and season, within the beautiful and ancient rhythm of lambing and haymaking, pasture and dairy, seed time and harvest. This title will be of great interest to not only students of agriculture, but those interested in the history of farming.

chapter 1|18 pages

The Arable Year

chapter 2|18 pages

The Ploughed Land

chapter 3|21 pages

Grassland and the Grazing Herds

chapter 4|15 pages

Mixed Farms and Farming Mixes

chapter 5|11 pages

Upland Farms and their Sheep

chapter 6|16 pages

Indoor Farming

chapter 7|22 pages

The Unnoticed Revolution