First published in 1989, this book focuses upon the phenomenon of export-led industrialisation fuelled by foreign investment and technology. He concentrates on Mexico, where US companies have been taking advantage of inexpensive labour to establish "maquila" factories that assemble US parts for export. Through this detailed study of the maquila industry, Sklair charts the progress from the political imperialism of colonial days to the economic imperialism of today.

chapter 1|23 pages

The Maquilas in Global Perspective

chapter 2|19 pages

The Border Context

chapter 3|34 pages

Phases of Maquila Expansion

chapter 4|21 pages

The Californias

chapter 5|19 pages

Paso del Norte

chapter 6|22 pages

The Valley

chapter 7|17 pages

The Long March to the Interior

chapter 8|37 pages

Labor, Gender, and Politics

chapter 9|33 pages

The Maquila Strategy