Much contemporary metaphysics, moved by an apparent necessity to take reality to consist of given beings and properties, presents us with what appear to be deep problems requiring radical changes in the common sense conception of persons and the world. Contemporary meta-ethics ignores questions about logical form and formulates questions in ways that make the possibility of correct value judgments mysterious. In this book, Wheeler argues that given a Davidsonian understanding of truth, predication, and interpretation, and given a relativised version of Aristotelian essentialism compatible with Davidson’s basic thinking, many metaphysical problems are not very deep. Likewise, many philosophers' claims that common sense needs to be modified are unfounded. He argues further that a proper consideration of questions of logical form clarifies and illuminates meta-ethical questions. Although the analyses and arguments he gives are often at odds with those at which Davidson arrived, they apply the central Davidsonian insights about semantics, understanding, and interpretation.

chapter |12 pages


chapter 1|26 pages

Davidsonian Truth and Its Consequences

chapter 2|20 pages

Against Absolute Essentialism

chapter 4|17 pages

Kinds of Events

chapter 5|25 pages

Modals and Conditionals

chapter 6|16 pages

Properties, Propositions, and Facts

chapter 9|23 pages

The Good

chapter 10|24 pages

What We Ought to Do