Based on extensive ethnographic and quantitative research, conducted in Ukraine and Russia between 2004 and 2012, this book’s central argument is that for many people the informal economy, such as cash in hand work, subsistence production and the use of social networks, is of great importance to everyday life. Formal work is both a facilitator of such processes and is often supported by them, as people can only afford to undertake low paid formal work as a result of their informal incomes. By looking at the informal nature of formal work and practices, informal practices, gift giving, volunteer work and the economies of the household the book is one of the first to give an overview of the nature of the informal economy in all spheres of everyday practice.

chapter 1|8 pages


part |2 pages

PART I (Re)theorising transition economies

part |2 pages

PART II The lived experience of transition

chapter 6|28 pages

Informal employment

chapter 8|18 pages

Formal and informal unpaid employment

chapter 9|15 pages

The internal economies of the household

chapter 10|12 pages
