This handbook for clinicians focuses on the impact of religion and spirituality on the client, using the clinical sociological theory of identity empowerment. The ten concepts of this theory show how identity can be expressed in value choices: self; dyad; triad; family; religion; definition of the situation; reference group; class culture; and society. The professor includes case studies and strategies for intervention at the end of each cahpter.

chapter 1|8 pages


chapter 2|16 pages

Setting the Scene

chapter 3|14 pages

The Individual and Religion

chapter 4|16 pages

Society and Religion

chapter 5|14 pages

Families and Religion

chapter 6|16 pages

Gender and Religion

chapter 7|16 pages

Social Class and Religion

chapter 8|14 pages

Culture and Religion

chapter 9|14 pages

Responsibility and Religion

chapter 10|14 pages

Social Change and Religion

chapter 11|14 pages

Identity and Religion

chapter 12|8 pages
