The first major synthesis of an emerging geography which is undoubtedly changing the way in which academics, planners and policy-makers identify and interpret the spatial development of cities and regions in the 1980s.

List of figures, List of tables, Acknowledgements, Preface, 1. Service industries: identity and delimitation, 2. Service industries in the economy: some preliminary empirical evidence, 3. Some causes and further consequences of the emergence of services, 4. Service industry location: the central place model, 5. Service industry location: beyond the central place model, 6. Equity and access: public and private consumer services, 7. Inter-sectoral dependence, centralization and producer services, 8. Locational dynamics of producer and consumer services: competition between CBD and suburbs, 9. Public policies, institutions and the location of services, 10. New technology and the geography of services, Appendix 1: Alternative bases for classifying service industries, Appendix 2: Structure of the labourforce, by occupation status and ratio of female to male employees in each occupation group, selected countries, Appendix 3: Shift-share analysis, Bibliography, Name index, Subject index