Rodney Hilton's account of the Peasant's Revolt of 1381 remains the classic authoritative text on the 'English Rising'. Hilton views the revolt in the context of a general European pattern of class conflict. He demonstrates that the peasant movements that disturbed the Middle Ages were not mere unrelated outbreaks of violence but had their roots in common economic and political conditions and in a recurring conflict of interest between peasants and landowners.
Now with a new introduction by Christopher Dyer, this survey remains the leading source for students of medieval English peasantry.

part |1 pages

Part I: General Problems of Medieval Peasant Societies

chapter 1|38 pages

The Nature of Medieval Peasant Economy

chapter 2|33 pages

Early Movements and their Problems

chapter 3|39 pages

Mass Movements of the Later Middle Ages

part |1 pages

Part II: The English Rising of 1381

chapter 4|7 pages

The Events of the Rising

chapter 5|21 pages

The General Background

chapter 6|11 pages

The Areas of Revolt

chapter 7|10 pages

Social Composition

chapter 8|28 pages

The Allies of the Rebels

chapter 9|19 pages

Organization and Aims

chapter 10|4 pages
