This new edition of Managing the Secondary School brings up to date the consideration of the talks and skills of the headtecher which was a feature of the first edition. The book deals with all aspects of the headteachers' role including marketing the school and managing the budget. It also deals in some detail with the problems of managing change and with the role of governors and parents in today's schools. Throughout the book, Joan Dean considers the implications of the Education Reform Act and the National Cucciculum.
Managing the Secondary School is essential reading for practising and aspiring headteachers of secondary schools. It will also appeal to school governors, to advisers, inspectors and consultants working with secondary schools and to those concerned with the appraisal and training of headteachers.

chapter |17 pages

Leadership and management

chapter |10 pages

The school development plan

chapter |6 pages


chapter |19 pages

The curriculum

chapter |25 pages

Organising learning

chapter |17 pages

The management of change

chapter |7 pages

Marketing the school

chapter |17 pages

School administration

chapter |14 pages

Managing people

chapter |18 pages

Interpersonal skills

chapter |15 pages


chapter |19 pages

School and community

chapter |12 pages


chapter |9 pages

Personal organisation