The story of the economic development of the Soviet Union provided the first case in history of the establishment of a socialist economy and was therefore of great interest for economists and economic historians of the twentieth century. At the same time it affords a unique example of the transformation of a country into an industrial nation at an unprecedented pace and under the guidance of a national economic plan. This book examines these changes from the Russian Revolution of 1917 to 1927.

chapter I|24 pages

The Political Background

chapter III|32 pages

The Process of Economic Decline

chapter IV|31 pages

The Period of "War Communism"

chapter V|53 pages

The Transition to the New Economic Policy

chapter VI|14 pages

The Beginning of Reconstruction

chapter VII|25 pages

The New Form of Industrial Organisation

chapter VIII|25 pages

The "Scissors" Crisis of 1923

chapter IX|44 pages

The Closing of the "Scissors"

chapter X|43 pages

The Problem of Fixed Capital

chapter XI|40 pages

Town and Village

chapter XII|28 pages

Economic Prospects