This and the following volume chart the history of financial institutions in England in the mid-late nineteenth century as well as examining the periods of boom and bust, their causes and effects. Using hitherto unpublished sources from the International Financial Society this book provides an unrivalled record of the development of the modern banking industry.

chapter 1|22 pages

Financial Institutions and Economic Growth

chapter 3|43 pages

The English Finance Companies of the 1860s

chapter |1 pages


chapter |2 pages


chapter 13|39 pages

Liquidation, 1866-1880

chapter 14|33 pages

The Depression, 1866 to 1869

chapter 15|52 pages

The boom of the early 1870s

chapter 16|59 pages

The End of an Era, 1873-77

chapter |149 pages

Notes - Chapter 1