As interest grows in theories of lifelong learning not only across society but also as an area of serious academic study, the need has arisen for a thorough and critical study of the phenomenon. This distillation of the work of renowned writer Peter Jarvis addresses this need, looking at the processes involved in human learning from birth to old age and moving the field on from previous unsystematic and mainly psychological studies. Instead, Jarvis argues that learning is existential, and so its study must be complex and interdisciplinary.

The result is a giant step towards building a complete and integrated theory of how humans learn, taking account of existing theories to see if they can be reconciled with a more complex model. Applying his expert analytical approach to this wide-ranging topic, Jarvis looks in detail at:

  • learning in the social context
  • the transformation of experience
  • the outcomes of learning
  • learning and action
  • cognitive theories
  • emotions and learning
  • experiential learning.

part |2 pages

Part 1 Human learning

chapter 2|20 pages

It is the person who learns

chapter 3|18 pages

Learning in the social context

chapter 4|17 pages

Experience – from which we learn

chapter 5|32 pages

The transformation of experience

chapter 7|10 pages

Lifelong learning

part |2 pages

Part II Towards a comprehensive theory

chapter 8|12 pages

Learning and action

chapter 9|20 pages

Cognitive theories

chapter 10|7 pages

Emotions and learning

chapter 11|10 pages

Experiential learning