'It is not so very difficult to predict the future. It is only pointless...what is always far more important are fundamental changes that happened though no one predicted them or could possible have predicted them.' (quote taken from this book)
It is these unpredictable and irreversible changes from the past, and their effect on the role of the executive which Peter Drucker examines in his latest book.

The management of change is a subject which has been, undoubtedly, the principal preoccupation of management thinkers in the 1990s. Peter Drucker, the guru's guru, brings together a group of his own original essays and interviews on this vitally important topic. As ever, he provides invaluable food for thought for all executives and students of business and management.

part |2 pages

Part One Management

chapter 1|16 pages

The theory of the business

chapter 2|5 pages

Planning for uncertainty

chapter 3|5 pages

The five deadly business sins

chapter 4|6 pages

Managing the family business

chapter 5|5 pages

Six rules for presidents

chapter 6|9 pages

Managing in the network society

part |2 pages

Part Two The Information-based Organization

chapter 7|19 pages

The new society of organizations

chapter 8|5 pages

There's three kinds of teams

chapter 9|5 pages

The information revolution in retail

chapter 10|5 pages

Be data literate; know what to know

chapter 11|4 pages

We need to measure, not count

chapter 12|18 pages

The information executives need today

part |2 pages

Part Three The Economy

chapter 13|19 pages

Trade lessons from the world economy

chapter 14|5 pages

The US economy's power shift

chapter 15|5 pages

Where the new markets are

chapter 16|4 pages

The Pacific Rim and the world economy

chapter 17|5 pages

China's growth markets

chapter 18|8 pages

The end of Japan, Inc?

chapter 19|5 pages

A weak dollar strengthens Japan

chapter 20|7 pages

The new superpower the overseas Chinese

part |2 pages

Part Four The Society

chapter 21|54 pages

A century of social transformations

chapter 22|5 pages

It profits us to strengthen non-profits

chapter 23|4 pages

Knowledge work and gender roles

chapter 24|15 pages

Reinventing government

chapter 25|28 pages

Can the democracies win the peace?