Encyclopedic in scope, Reversibility of Chronic Degenerative Disease and Hypersensitivity, Volume 3: Environmental Manifestations of the Neurocardiovascular Systems draws deeply from clinical histories of thousands of patients. It focuses on clinical syndromes within the musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardiovascular systems with a special focus

Introduction. Entry of Environmental Pollutants: External and Internal Mechanisms of the Total Body. Pollutant Load. Environmental Control for Reducing Total Body Load. Introduction to the Cardiovascular System in Chemical Sensitivity. Physiology and Pollutant Damage to Vascular Perfusion: Changes in the Sympathetic Nervous System Function. Blood Volume. Effects of Pollutants on the Clotting System. Oxygen Extraction. Effects of Pollutants on Myocardial Cells. Types of Mechanisms in Vascular Damage. Effects of Endocrine on the Vascular System. Pollutant Entry in Dyshomeostasis: Clinical Syndromes. Atherosclerosis. Heart Failure. Heart Failure Treatment. Index.