This book covers the computer simulation of demyelinating neuropathies and neuronopathies and compares models with clinical findings. Through the approximation of nerve excitation and conduction, the authors show how the versatile structure of nerve fibers relates to different modes of focal prospects, inward and outward currents, conduction veloci

NERVE FIBRES: Myelinated Axons. Demyelinating Neuropathies. Neuronopathies. Axonal Excitability.Mathematical Modeling of the Nerve Fibres. MODELS AND METHODS FOR INVESTIGATION OF THE HUMAN MOTOR NERVE FIBRE: Multi-Layered and Double Cable Models. Line-Source Model. Methods of Stimulation and Calculation of the Potentials. Methods for Calculation of the Strength-Duration Time. Constants, Rheobasic Currents and Recovery Cycles. SIMULATED DEMYELINATING NEUROPATHIES AND NEURONOPATHIES: Simulation of CMT1A, CIDP, Subtypes CIDP, GBS, MMN, and ALS. Abnormalities in the Potentials Action Potentials. Electrotonic Potentials. Abnormalities in the Extracellular Potentials and their Mechanisms. Abnormalities in the Strength-Duration Time Constants, Rheobasic Currents and Their Mechanisms. Abnormalities in the Recovery Cycles and Their Mechanisms. EFFECT OF THE MYELIN SHEATH AQUEOUS LAYERS ON THE EXCITABILITY PROPERTIES OF THE SIMULATED HEREDITARY AND CHRONIC DEMYELINATING NEUROPATHIES: Simulation of the CMT1A, CIDP and Subtypes CIDP with Aqueous Layers within the Myelin Sheath. Effect of the Myelin Sheath Aqueous Layers on the Potentials. Effect of the Myelin Sheath Aqueous Layers on the Strength-Duration Time Constants, Rheobasic Currents and Recovery Cycles. References.