This text focuses on the applied physiology of work in modern industry. After covering the biological background to work physiology and its relationship to work psychology and occupational medicine it goes on to explore the problems encountered in a

Chapter 1 - The biological basis for human, Chapter 2 - Work physiology, Chapter 3 - Problem areas in the fieldof work physiology, Chapter 4 - Methods for the assessment of physical work capacity and physical work load, Chapter 5 - Methods for the assessment of the working environment, Chapter 6 - Mental and emotional stress, Chapter 7 - The stress of management, Chapter 8 - Shift work, circadian rhythms and transmeridian dyschronism, Chapter 9 - The stress of air traffic controllers, Chapter 10 - Industrial heat stress, Chapter 11 - Working in the cold, Chapter 12 - The physiology of fishing, Chapter 13 - Stress at sea, Chapter 14 - Muscle tension, Chapter 15 - Working in a carbon monoxide polluted atmosphere, References, Index