This work covers important aspects of X-ray spectrometry, from basic principles to the selection of instrument parameters and sample preparation. This edition explicates the use of combined X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction data, and features new applications in environmental studies, forensic science, archeometry and the analysis of metals

The interaction of X-rays with matter; sources for the excitation of characteristic X-rays; instrumentation; statistics; general computer applications and quantitative spectrum analysis as applied to energy-dispersive analysis; specimen preparation; qualitative analysis; basic problems in quantitative analysis; methods and models for quantitative analysis; trace analysis; radiation health hazards in X-ray spectrometry; applications of X-ray spectrometry. Appendices: no-menclature; mass absorption coefficients; conversions and physical constants; atomic weights and densities; wavelengths and energies; wavelength tables for K, L, and M series.