Hiroaki Kobayashi has trained 1500 mariners in ship handling over twenty years and he has systematized the methods of safe navigation into nine elemental techniques. Taking a rigorous and scientific look at good practice and attitudes, good seamanship can be viewed as a series of concrete technical functions, which can be in terms of competencies. By giving proper attention to human factors the conditions for maintaining system safety can be defined, and the interaction of human competencies and environmental conditions and their effects on system safety can be recognised. System safety in turn depends on good bridge team management, with particular emphasis on communication, cooperation and leadership – communication for the exchange of information, cooperation to smooth team activities, and leadership to ensure that each member of the team performs successfully.

part I|1 pages

Techniques for Ship Handling

part I|2 pages


chapter Chapter 1|17 pages

Factors in Achieving Safe Navigation

chapter Chapter 2|56 pages

Analysis of Techniques for Ship Handling

part I|2 pages


part II|1 pages

Bridge Team Management

part II|2 pages


chapter Chapter 5|6 pages

Techniques Necessary for Safe Navigation

chapter Chapter 6|10 pages

Factors in Achieving Safe Navigation

chapter Chapter 7|15 pages

Background of Bridge Team Management

chapter Chapter 8|35 pages

Bridge Team Management

part II|2 pages


part III|1 pages

Bridge Team Management/Bridge Resource Management Training

part III|2 pages


chapter Chapter 9|9 pages

Training System

chapter Chapter 10|11 pages

Bridge Team Management Training Structure

chapter Chapter 11|6 pages

Bridge Team Management Training Examples

chapter |2 pages


chapter |15 pages

Summary of Key Factors