This practical guide offers everything you need to know - what needs to be done, by whom, and by when. With a straight-forward approach it proves that getting through revalidation is a simple task, as long as you understand the key requirements and avoid potential pitfalls along the way. It explains the process and encourages you to explore possibilities for your own personal and professional development.

part Section 1|2 pages

The overall architecture: who does what and when

chapter Chapter 1|3 pages

What this book is about

chapter Chapter 2|4 pages

Your licence to practise medicine

chapter Chapter 3|4 pages

The overall architecture of revalidation

chapter Chapter 4|4 pages

The General Medical Council’s role in revalidation

chapter Chapter 5|4 pages

The responsible officer’s role in revalidation

chapter Chapter 6|6 pages

The appraiser’s role in revalidation

chapter Chapter 8|2 pages

Personal development plans

part Section 2|2 pages

The evidence you need to produce for revalidation

chapter Chapter 10|4 pages

Quality improvement activity

chapter Chapter 11|4 pages

Significant event audit

chapter Chapter 12|4 pages

Continuing professional development

chapter Chapter 13|8 pages

Multiple source (colleague) feedback

chapter Chapter 14|2 pages

Patient source feedback

chapter Chapter 15|4 pages

Response to concerns and complaints

chapter Chapter 16|2 pages

How should I present this evidence to my appraiser?

chapter Chapter 17|6 pages

Sessional doctors and other atypical scenarios

part Section 3|2 pages

Reflections and background: the reasons behind revalidation

chapter Chapter 18|12 pages

Why is reflective learning so highly valued?

chapter Chapter 19|10 pages

Some thoughts on feedback

chapter Chapter 20|4 pages

How can revalidation benefit me?

chapter Chapter 21|6 pages

Does revalidation actually achieve its objective?