Scour and Erosion IX contains the peer-reviewed scientific contributions presented at 9th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE 2018, Taipei, Taiwan, 5–8 November 2018), and includes recent accomplishments about scour and erosion in field observation, experimental laboratory work, theoretical development, numerical modeling and disaster management.
The book covers fourteen topics:

A. Internal erosion
B. River, coastal, estuarine and marine scour and erosion
C. Rock scour and erosion
D. Sediment transport: grain scale and continuum scale
E. Scour and erosion around structures
F. Soil erosion, restoration mechanisms and conservation
G. Hillslope conservation and debris flow
H. Geotechnical issues related to scour and erosion
I. Field observation and analyses
J. Scour and erosion testing and experiment
K. Remote sensing, instrumentation and monitoring
L. Advanced numerical modelling of scour and erosion
M. Natural hazards due to scour and erosion
N. Management of scour/erosion and sediment.

chapter |16 pages


chapter |18 pages

Internal erosion

chapter |8 pages

Rock scour and erosion

chapter |22 pages

Scour and erosion around structures

chapter |4 pages

Hillslope conservation and debris flow

chapter |8 pages

Field observation and analyses

chapter |18 pages

Scour and erosion testing and experiment

chapter |12 pages

Management of scour/erosion and sediment