In recent years, advocates for civil rights for minorities, women, and gays and lesbians have become more informed consumers of mental health services. As a result, social work practitioners need to prepare themselves to serve diverse constituencies for who previously held behavioral and cultural assumptions have proven not to be universally applicable. The purpose of Greene's book is to help students and practitioners better understand how social workers have used human behavior theories to more competently address variations in group and community membership within the social worker-client encounter.

The book's approach is largely thematic. Most of the chapters explore how particular assumptions of a human behavior theory--psychoanalytic theory, psychodynamic/ego psychology theory, systems theory, behavioral theory, symbolic interaction theory, feminist theory, constructionist theory, small group theory, and an ecological perspective --have been used to answer issues related to cultural diversity. The challenges and limitations of each theory's applications across varying client constituencies are discussed throughout. What sorts of new conceptual issues for the practitioner of family services are raised in work with minority families, for example, or with lesbian families? How does a specific theory help, or not help, in group-specific interventions and evaluations?

Intended as a companion volume to the widely adopted human behavior text by Greene and Ephross, Greene's new book fills the need for a wide, synthetic reading of the recent literature.

chapter 1|18 pages

Social Work Practice Within a Diversity Framework

ByRoberta R. Greene

chapter 3|20 pages

The Social Work Interview: Legacy of Carl Rogers and Sigmund Freud

ByRoberta R. Greene

chapter 4|20 pages

Symbolic Interactionism: Social Work Assessment, Meanings, and Language

ByRoberta R. Greene, Joan Ephross Saltman

chapter 5|18 pages

Erikson’s Eight Stages of Development: Different Lenses

ByNancy P. Kropf, Roberta R. Greene

chapter 6|22 pages

Role Theory and Social Work Practice

ByKathryn H. Thompson, Roberta R. Greene

chapter 7|18 pages

A Constructionist Approach With Diverse Populations

ByRobert Blundo, Roberta R. Greene, Paul Gallant

chapter 9|26 pages

A Systems Approach: Addressing Diverse Family Forms

ByRoberta R. Greene, Karen Frankel

chapter 11|14 pages

Working With Natural Social Networks: An Ecological Approach

ByJudith S. Lewis, Roberta R. Greene

chapter 12|18 pages

Power Factors in Social Work Practice

ByRoberta R. Greene

chapter |10 pages

Epilogue: Power and the Social Work Profession

ByCarol T. Tully