Winners and nominees of the 2013/14 Sustainable City Awards present their case stories in a new collection, Sustainable Cities: Inspirational Case Studies. These short, easy-to-read stories will serve as an inspiration to others around the world in the quest to make our cities more sustainable.The awards were established in 2001 by the City of London Corporation and aim to recognise and reward organisations that have demonstrated excellence in sustainable development. Sustainable Cities is published by Greenleaf Publishing in association with the City of London.

chapter 1|9 pages

GrowUp Urban Farms www.growup.org.uk

Award: Entrepreneurship (commercial)
ByKate Hofman, Tom Webster

chapter 2|10 pages

Project Dirt www.projectdirt.com

Award: Entrepreneurship (commercial)
ByNick Gardner, Friederike Hanisch

chapter 3|9 pages

Rosh Engineering http://rosh.co.uk

Award: Entrepreneurship (commercial)
ByIan Dormer

chapter 4|11 pages

PleaseCycle (now Yomp) http://yomp.co

Award: Entrepreneurship (social)
ByGreg Drach, Crispin Moller

chapter 5|9 pages

Core Arts http://corearts.co.uk

Award: Greening the Third Sector
Edited BySimon Mills

chapter 6|7 pages

Abundance www.abundancegeneration.com

Award: Sustainable Finance
ByKarina Sidenius

chapter 7|8 pages

Co-oproduct CIC www.co-oproduct.org

Award: Responsible Waste Management & Social Entrepreneurship
ByTracy Cordingley, Jamie Billing

chapter 8|8 pages

Nampak Plastics www.nampak.com

Award: Responsible Waste Management
ByEric Collins

chapter 9|10 pages

Castle Climbing Centre www.castle-climbing.co.uk

Award: Responsible Waste Management/Sustainable Food
ByEfua Uiterwijk, Claire Lee

chapter 10|19 pages

United House, NHP Leisure Developments and Mitsubishi Electric (joint award) www.unitedhouse.net

Award: Sustainable Building
Edited BySimon Mills

chapter 11|8 pages

WestTrans Partnership www.westtrans.org

Award: Sustainable Travel and Transport
ByTim Forrester