This book, first published in 1986, is concerned with the changing world environment for multinational business and the relationships between multinational parent companies and their subsidiaries which will be necessary to meet the challenges that are being faced. The study argues that key changes to the environment are: the revolution in manufacturing which has permitted cheap production in one location of complicated products for a world market; ‘world product mandating’, whereby all a company’s country subsidiaries produce different product lines for the world market; pressure and incentives from host governments for technology transfer in their favour and for research and development facilities within their territory; the growth of highly efficient international trading and distribution intermediaries; and the complications of increased ‘barter’ trade arising from international debt problems and currency shortages. All this means that the management of multinational subsidiaries has to change. This book reviews the challenges and shows a way forward.

chapter 1|21 pages


Managing the Subsidiary
ByHamid Etemad, Louise Séguin Dulude

part I|52 pages

The Emerging Policy and Operational Context

chapter 2|23 pages

Industrial Adjustments and World Product Mandates

A Role for Public Policy 1
ByCarl E. Beigie, James K. Stewart

chapter 3|9 pages

Direction of Policy on World Product Mandates 1

ByA.J. Sarna

chapter 4|18 pages

Competing Nations for Global Product Mandates

Science Policies in Collision 1
ByDavid P. Rutenberg

part II|86 pages

Managing the Subsidiary in a Changing Environment and Operational Context

chapter 5|15 pages

Strategic Management of Subsidiaries 1

ByJoseph R. D’Cruz

chapter 6|12 pages

The Strategic Management of Multinationals and World Product Mandating 1

ByAlan M. Rugman, Sheila Douglas

chapter 7|10 pages

Specialisation and International Competitiveness 1

ByHarold Crookell

chapter 9|23 pages

World Product Mandates

The Need for Directed Search Strategies
ByNorman W. McGuinness, H. Allan Conway

part III|61 pages

Some Empirical and Theoretical Evidence

chapter 10|16 pages

World Product Mandates and Firms Operating in Quebec

ByBernard Bonin, Bruno Perron

chapter 11|30 pages

Inventive Activity in MNEs and Their World Product Mandated Subsidiaries 1

ByHamid Etemad, Louise Séguin Dulude

chapter 12|13 pages

World Product Mandates and Trade

ByBernard M. Wolf