This volume features the complete text of the material presented at the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. As in previous years, the symposium included an interesting mixture of papers on many topics from researchers with diverse backgrounds and different goals, presenting a multifaceted view of cognitive science. The volume includes all papers, posters, and summaries of symposia presented at this leading conference that brings cognitive scientists together. The 2002 meeting dealt with issues of representing and modeling cognitive processes as they appeal to scholars in all subdisciplines that comprise cognitive science: psychology, computer science, neuroscience, linguistics, and philosophy.

part |8 pages


chapter |1 pages

Multiple Perspectives on Consciousness for Cognitive Science

ByRichard A. Carlson

chapter |1 pages

APEX/CPM-GOMS: Modeling Human Performance in Applied HCI Domains

Half-day tutorial (morning): Johnson Center/Enterprise
ByRoger Remington, Bonnie John, Alonso Vera, Michael Matessa, Michael Freed

chapter |1 pages

How to Build Intelligent Interactive Agents Using Soar

ByRandolph M. Jones, Robert E. Wray, Amy E. Henninger, Scott Wood, Ronald S. Chong

chapter |1 pages


ByChristian Lebiere

chapter |1 pages

A Cognitive Approach to Designing Human Error Tolerant Interfaces

ByScott D. Wood, Mike Byrne

part |3 pages

Rumelhart Prize Talk

chapter |1 pages

Bayesian Modeling of Memory and Perception Richard M. Shiffrin

ByWayne D. Gray, Christian D. Schunn

part |1 pages

Rumelhart Symposium

chapter |1 pages

Rumelhart Symposium: Honoring Richard Shiffrin

BySusan Dumais, Wilson S. Geisler, Jeroen Raaijmakers, Mark Steyvers

part |8 pages


chapter |2 pages

The Cognition of Complex Visualizations

ByJ. Gregory Trafton, Priti Shah, Eric G. Freedman, Susan Kirschenbaum, Peter C-H. Cheng, Mary Hegarty

chapter |1 pages

Nature’s Turing Test

ByThomas R. Zentall

chapter |2 pages

The AMBR Model Comparison Project: Round III — Modeling Category Learning

ByKevin A. Gluck, Richard W. Pew

chapter |1 pages

Inquiry, Technology, and Cognition: Theory and Practice

BySarah K. Brem, William Sandoval, Eva E. Toth, Jennifer Wiley

chapter |1 pages

Symposium: New Models of Connectionist Language Acquisition

ByPing Li, Brian Macwhinney

part |33 pages

Publication-based Talks

chapter |1 pages

Coordination of Talk & Action

ByRichard Alterman, Alex Feinman, Seth Landsman, Josh Introne

chapter |1 pages

Developing and Validating Cockpit Interventions based on Cognitive Modeling

ByDeborah A. Boehm-Davis, Robert W. Holt, Melanie Diez, Jeffrey T. Hansberger

chapter |1 pages

The Information-Processing Function of Conscious Intentions

ByRichard A. Carlson, Lisa M. Stevenson, Marios N. Avraamides, Daniel N. Cassenti

chapter |1 pages

Activity awareness in computer-supported collaborations

ByJohn M. Carroll

chapter |1 pages

Testing the Roles of Design History and Affordances in the HIPE Theory of Function

BySergio E. Chaigneau, Lawrence W. Barsalou

chapter |1 pages

Protocol Evidence On Thought Experiments Used By Experts

ByJohn J. Clement

chapter |1 pages

Putting Geometry and Function Together — Towards a Psychologically-Plausible Computational Model for Spatial Language Comprehension

ByKenny R. Coventry, Angelo Cangelosi, Dan Joyce, Lynn V. Richards

chapter |1 pages

Tutoring Real-Time Dynamic Task Performance: Using ADAPT to Augment Pilot Skill Acquisition

ByStephanie M. Doane, Daniel W. Carruth

chapter |1 pages

Implementing Latent Semantic Analysis in Learning Environments with Conversational Agents and Tutorial Dialog

ByArthur C. Graesser, Hu Xiangen, Brent A. Olde, Matthew Ventura, Andrew Olney, Max Louwerse, Donald R. Franceschetti, Natalie Person

chapter |1 pages

Human-Automation Interaction Strategies

ByStephanie Guerlain

chapter |1 pages

Statistical learning, implicit memory, and phonology

ByPrahlad Gupta, John Lipinski

chapter |1 pages

Mental Visualizations and External Visualizations

ByMary Hegarty

chapter |1 pages

Modeling aviation crew interaction using a cognitive architecture

ByRobert W. Holt, Jeffrey T. Hansberger, Ronald S. Chong, Deborah A. Boehm-Davis

chapter |1 pages

Dynamic Adaptation to Critical Care Medical Environment: Error Recovery as Cognitive Activity

ByTate T. Kubose, Vimla L. Patel, Desmond Jordan

chapter |1 pages

Applications of Latent Semantic Analysis

ByThomas K. Landauer

chapter |1 pages

Where Do Problem-Solving Strategies Come From?

ByMarsha C. Lovett

chapter |1 pages

Is There a Decision Bias For Information From Internally Consistent Sources?

ByShenghua Luan, Robert D. Sorkin, Jesse Itzkowitz

chapter |1 pages

Understanding and Scaffolding Constructive Collaboration

ByNaomi Miyake, Hajime Shirouzu

chapter |1 pages

Category Use: Learning and Understanding Categories

ByBrian H. Ross, Seth Chin-Parker

chapter |1 pages

What Happened to the Imagery Debate?

ByPeter P. Slezak

chapter |1 pages

On the Origins of Perceived Sameness in Shape

ByLinda B. Smith

chapter |1 pages

The Origins, Development, and Nature of Argument Understanding

ByNancy L. Stein, Elizabeth R. Albro

chapter |1 pages

Literary Cognition and Aesthetic Computing

ByAkifumi Tokosumi, Norikazu Yoshimine

chapter |1 pages

Diagrams to Augment Cognition

ByBarbara Tversky, Julie Heiser, Paul Lee, Jeffrey M. Zacks

part |930 pages


chapter |6 pages

Representation Strength Influences Strategy Use and Strategy Discovery

ByMartha W. Alibali, Tara L. Booth

chapter |6 pages

Integrating Decay and Interference: A New Look at an Old Interaction

ByErik M. Altmann, Christian D. Schunn

chapter |6 pages

Preventing Catastrophic Interference in Multiple-Sequence Learning Using Coupled Reverberating Elman Networks

ByBernard Ans, Stéphane Rousset, Roheit M. French, Serban Musca

chapter |6 pages

A Cognitive Account of Situated Communication

ByRita B. Ardito, Bruno G. Bara, Enrico Blanzieri

chapter |6 pages

A Neurocognitive Model for Students and Educators

ByMichael Atherton

chapter |6 pages

Do people update spatial relations described in texts?

ByMarios N. Avraamides

chapter |6 pages

An Exploration of Real-World Analogical Problem Solving in Novices

ByChristopher R. Bearman, Linden J. Ball, Thomas C. Ormerod

chapter |6 pages

Neonatal Learning of Faces: Environmental and Genetic Influences

ByJames A. Bednar, Risto Miikkulainen

chapter |6 pages

Conditional Promises and Threats – Cognition and Emotion

BySieghard Beller

chapter |6 pages

Mental Models Theory and Anaphora

ByGuido Boella, Leonardo Lesmo

chapter |5 pages

Comparison and the development of knowledge

ByLera Boroditsky

chapter |6 pages

What is universal in event perception? Comparing English & Indonesian speakers

ByLera Boroditsky, Wendy Ham, Michael Ramscar

chapter |6 pages

Atomistic and Systems Approaches to Consciousness

ByAndrew Brook, Luke Jerzykiewicz

chapter |6 pages

Reference Resolution in the Wild: On-line circumscription of referential domains in a natural, interactive problem-solving task

BySarah Brown-Schmidt, Ellen Campana, Michael K. Tanenhaus

chapter |6 pages

On Straight TRACS: A baseline bias from mental models

ByKevin Burns

chapter |6 pages

Contradictions and Counterfactuals: Generating Belief Revisions in Conditional Inference

ByRuth M.J. Byrne, Clare R. Walsh

chapter |6 pages

Anthropomorphic Agents as a User Interface Paradigm: Experimental Findings and a Framework for Research

ByRichard Catrambone, John Stasko, Jun Xiao

chapter |6 pages

The Effect of Goal Constraints on Strategy Generation

BySuzanne C. Charman, Andrew Howes

chapter |6 pages

Diagnosticity in Category Learning by Classification and Inference

BySeth Chin-Parker, Brian H. Ross

chapter |6 pages

Comprehension Monitoring and Regulation in Distance Collaboration

ByKwangsu Cho, Christian D. Schunn, Alan M. Lesgold

chapter |6 pages

Age Differences in Transitory Cognitive Performance

BySy Miin Chow, John R. Nesselroade

chapter |6 pages

Reminiscence and Arousal: A Connectionist Model

ByEric Chown

chapter |6 pages

How Conceptual Metaphors are Productive of Spatial-Graphical Expressions

ByTimothy C. Clausner

chapter |6 pages

What makes a word?

ByEliana Colunga, Linda B. Smith

chapter |6 pages

Sequential Learning by Touch, Vision, and Audition

ByChristopher M. Conway, Morten H. Christiansen

chapter |6 pages

Feedback Effects in the Acquisition of a Hierarchical Skill

ByAndrew Corrigan-Halpern, Stellan Ohlsson

chapter |6 pages

Do Expression and Identity Need Separate Representations?

ByGarrison W. Cottrell, Kristin M. Branson, Andrew J. Calder

chapter |6 pages

Cognitive Precursors to Science Comprehension

ByKimberly G. Cottrell, Danielle S. Mcnamara

chapter |6 pages

The Role of Diagrams and Diagrammatic Affordances in Analogy

ByDavid Latch Craig, Nancy J. Nersessian, Richard Catrambone

chapter |6 pages

A Classification of Cognitive Agents

ByMehdi Dastani, Leendert Van Der Torre

chapter |6 pages

Teaching with Dialectic Arguments vs. Didactic Explanations

ByRavi Desai, Kevin D. Ashley

chapter |6 pages

Modeling Human Error in a Real-World Teamwork Environment

ByStephen Deutsch, Richard Pew

chapter |6 pages

The Quality of Test Context and Contra-evidence as a Moderating Factor in the Belief Revision Process

ByKristien Dieussaert, Walter Schaeken, Gery d’ydewalle

chapter |6 pages

The Role of Analogy in Teaching Middle-School Mathematics

ByLindsey K. Engle, Keith J. Holyoak, James W. Stigler

chapter |6 pages

Category Size and Category-Based Induction

ByAidan Feeney, David R. Gardiner

chapter |6 pages

Why Example Fading Works: A Qualitative Analysis Using Cascade

ByEric S. Fleischman, Randolph M. Jones

chapter |6 pages

Evolution of Gender in Indo-European Languages

ByHarry E. Foundalis

chapter |6 pages

Recovering Context After Interruption

ByJerry L. Franke, Jody J. Daniels, Daniel C. McFarlane

chapter |6 pages

Four Problems with Extracting Human Semantics from Large Text Corpora

ByRobert M. French, Christophe Labiouse

chapter |6 pages

The Importance of Starting Blurry: Simulating Improved Basic-Level Category Learning in Infants Due to Weak Visual Acuity

ByRobert M. French, Martial Mermillod, Alan Chauvin, Paul C. Quinn, Denis Mareschal

chapter |6 pages

Modelling the Development of Dutch Optional Infinitives in MOSAIC

ByDaniel Freudenthal, Julian Pine, Fernand Gobet

chapter |6 pages

Subject Omission in Children’s Language: The Case for Performance Limitations in Learning

ByDaniel Freudenthal, Julian Pine, Fernand Gobet

chapter |5 pages

Does Positivity Bias Explain Patterns of Performance on Wason’s 2-4-6 Task?

ByMaggie Gale, Linden J. Ball

chapter |6 pages

A Connectionist model of Planning via Back-chaining Search

ByMax Garagnani, Lokendra Shastri, Carter Wendelken

chapter |6 pages

Events versus States: Empirical Correlates of Lexical Classes

BySilvia Gennari, David Poeppel

chapter |6 pages

Interactive Knowledge Acquisition Tools: A Tutoring Perspective

ByYolanda Gil, Jihie Kim

chapter |6 pages

Taking Care of the Linguistic Features of Extraversion

ByAlastair J. Gill, Jon Oberlander

chapter |6 pages

The Role of Roles in Translating Across Conceptual Systems

ByRobert L. Goldstone, Brian J. Rogosky

chapter |6 pages

The Theory of Mind in Strategy Representations

ByAndrew S. Gordon

chapter |6 pages

A probabilistic approach to semantic representation

ByThomas L. Griffiths, Mark Steyvers

chapter |6 pages

Strategic Differences in the Coordination of Different Views of Space

ByGlenn Gunzelmann, John R. Anderson

chapter |6 pages

Understanding Similarity in Choice Behavior: A Connectionist Model

ByFrank Y. Guo, Keith J. Holyoak

chapter |6 pages

A Constraint Satisfaction Model of Causal Learning and Reasoning

ByYork Hagmayer, Michael R. Waldmann

chapter |6 pages

How Similarity Affects the Ease of Rule Application

ByUlrike Hahn, Mercè Prat-Sala, Emmanuel M. Pothos

chapter |6 pages

Modeling Grouping with Recursive Auto-Associative Memory

ByAndreas Hansson, Lars F. Niklasson

chapter |6 pages

Similarity and Difference Judgments Under Perceptual and Non-Perceptual Conditions

ByUri Hasson, Vladimir Sloutsky

chapter |6 pages

The /s/ morpheme and the compounding phenomenon in English

ByJenny Hayes, Victoria Murphy, Neil Davey, Pamela Smith, Lorna Peters

chapter |6 pages

Interactional Context in Graphical Communication

ByPatrick G. T. Healey, Simon Garrod, Nicholas Fay, John Lee, Jon Oberlander

chapter |6 pages

Diagrams and Descriptions in Acquiring Complex Systems

ByJulie Heiser, Barbara Tversky

chapter |6 pages

Do argumentation tasks promote conceptual change about volcanoes?

ByJoshua A. Hemmerich, Jennifer Wiley

chapter |6 pages

Predicting Agent Spatial Information: A Comparison Between Neural Networks and Dead Reckoning Algorithms

ByAmy E. Henninger, Avelino J. Gonzalez, Douglas A. Reece

chapter |6 pages

Anatomy is Symmetry’s Best Friend: Reflections on Modeling Baylis and Driver

ByJohn Hicks, Jon Oberlander

chapter |5 pages

Perspective-taking in Young Writer’s Descriptive Writing

ByDavid R. Holliway

chapter |6 pages

An Instance-based Model of the Effect of Previous Choices on the Control of Interactive Search

ByAndrew Howes, Stephen J. Payne, Juliet Richardson

chapter |6 pages

Modeling Capabilities and Workload in Intelligent Agents for Simulating Teamwork

ByThomas R. Ioerger, Linli He, Deborah Lord, Pamela Tsang

chapter |6 pages

Self-Organizing Recognition and Classification of Relational Structures

ByBrijnesh J. Jain, Fritz Wysotzki

chapter |6 pages

Children’s Acceptance and Use of Unexpected Category Labels to Draw Non-Obvious Inferences

ByVikram K. Jaswal, Ellen M. Markman

chapter |6 pages

A Model of Spatio-Temporal Coding of Memory for Multidimensional Stimuli

ByTodd R. Johnson, Hongbin Wang, Jiajie Zhang, Yue Wang

chapter |6 pages

Analysis of the Dynamics of Reasoning Using Multiple Representations

ByCatholijn M. Jonker, Jan Treur

chapter |6 pages

Cue Abstraction and Exemplars in Multiple-Cue Judgment

ByPeter Justin, Henrik Olsson, Anna-Carin Olsson

chapter |6 pages

Predicting Noun and Verb Latencies: Influential Variables and Task Effects

ByNatalie Kacinik, Christine Chiarello

chapter |6 pages

Graph Structure Supports Graph Description

ByIrvin R. Katz, Hyun-Joo Kim, Xiaoming Xi, Peter C-H. Cheng

chapter |6 pages

Sex, Myths, and Adolescents’ Conceptual Understanding of HIV

ByAlla Keselman, Vimla L. Patel

chapter |6 pages

A Cognitive Task Analysis of Using Pictures To Support Pre-Algebraic Reasoning

ByKenneth R. Koedinger, Atsushi Terao

chapter |6 pages

Mutual Adaptive Meaning Acquisition by Paralanguage Information: Experimental Analysis of Communication Establishing Process

ByTakanori Komatsu, Kentaro Suzuki, Kazuhiro Ueda, Kazuo Hiraki, Natsuki Oka

chapter |6 pages

Qualitative physics as a component in natural language semantics: A progress report

BySven E. Kuehne, Kenneth D. Forbus

chapter |6 pages

Learning Causal Structure

ByDavid A. Lagnado, Steven Sloman

chapter |6 pages

Data analysis of conceptual similarities of Finnish verbs

ByKrista Lagus, Anu Airola, Mathias Creutz

chapter |6 pages

Multitasking as Skill Acquisition

ByFrank J. Lee, Niels A. Taatgen

chapter |6 pages

Using Cognitive Decision Models to Prioritize E-mails

ByMichael D. Lee, Lama H. Chandrasena, Daniel J. Navarro

chapter |6 pages

Is Concept Formation An Age-Independent Process?

ByKenneth R. Livingston, Janet K. Andrews, Emily Kuschner

chapter |6 pages

Theories and Similarity: Categorization under Speeded Conditions

ByChristian C. Luhmann, Woo-Kyoung Ahn, Thomas J. Palmeri

chapter |6 pages

Case, Word Order, and Language Learnability: Insights from Connectionist Modeling

ByGary Lupyan, Morten H. Christiansen

chapter |6 pages

On Understanding Discourse in Human-Computer Interaction

ByPaul P. Maglio, Teenie Matlock, Sydney J. Gould, Dave Koons, Christopher S. Campbell

chapter |6 pages

Immediate Integration of Syntactic and Referential Constraints on Spoken Word Recognition

ByJames S. Magnuson, Michael K. Tanenhaus, Richard N. Aslin

chapter |6 pages

Three-year-old Children’s Use of Category Labels and Motion in Drawing Inferences about Animal Kinds

ByBenise S.K. Mak, Alonso H. Vera, Lap Yan Lo

chapter |5 pages

Incorporating Cognitive Styles into Adaptive Multimodal Interfaces

ByHalima Habieb Mammar, Franck Tarpin Bernard

chapter |6 pages

Metacat: A Self-Watching Cognitive Architecture for Analogy-Making

ByJames B. Marshall

chapter |6 pages

Where do syllables come from?

ByEvelyn Martens, Walter Daelemans, Steven Gillis, Helena Taelman

chapter |6 pages

Reusable Templates in Human Performance Modeling

ByMichael Matessa, Alonso Vera, Bonnie John, Roger Remington, Michael Freed

chapter |6 pages

Collaborative Interactions: The Process of Joint Production and Individual Reuse of Novel Ideas

ByMark U. McGregor, Michelene T.H. Chi

chapter |6 pages

A Strong Schema Can Interfere with Learning: The Case of Children’s Typical Addition Schema

ByNicole M. McNeil, Martha W. Alibali

chapter |6 pages

Changes in Learners’ Exploratory Behavior in a Simulated Psychology Laboratory

ByKazuhisa Miwa, Norio Ishii, Hitomi Saito, Ryuichi Nakaike

chapter |6 pages

Logical Strategery

ByBradley J. Morris, Christian Schunn

chapter |6 pages

Commonalities and Distinctions in Featural Stimulus Representations

ByDaniel J. Navarro, Michael D. Lee

chapter |6 pages

Thinking by Doing? Epistemic Actions in the Tower of Hanoi

ByHansjörg Neth, Stephen J. Payne

chapter |6 pages

Bayesian Learning at the Syntax-Semantics Interface

BySourabh Niyogi

chapter |5 pages

Objet Trouvé, Holism, and Morphogenesis in Interactive Evolution

ByRon W. Noel, Sylvia Acchione-Noel

chapter |6 pages

The Right Stuff: Do You Need to Sanitize Your Corpus When Using Latent Semantic Analysis?

ByBrent A. Olde, Donald R. Franceschetti, Ashish Karnavat, Arthur C. Graesser

chapter |6 pages

Experience and Pseudo-Experience: Exemplar Effects Without Feedback

ByHenrik Olsson, Peter Juslin

chapter |6 pages

Simplicity: A cure for overgeneralizations in language acquisition?

ByLuca Onnis, Matthew Roberts, Nick Chater

chapter |6 pages

What’s a Science Student to Do?

ByTenaha O’Reilly, Danielle S. Mcnamara

chapter |6 pages

Is there evidence for unconscious reasoning processes?

ByMagda Osman

chapter |6 pages

A Unified Model Of The Origins Of Phonemically Coded Syllable Systems

ByPierre-yves Oudeyer

chapter |6 pages

The Pragmatics of Number

ByAnna Papafragou, Julien Musolino

chapter |6 pages

A Computational Theory of Complex Problem Solving Using Latent Semantic Analysis

ByJosé Quesada, Walter Kintsch, Emilio Gomez

chapter |6 pages

A Dynamical Connectionist Account of Conceptual Change

ByAthanassios Raftopoulos, Andreas Demetriou

chapter |6 pages

Deictic Codes, Demonstratives, and Reference: A Step Toward Solving the Grounding Problem

ByAthanassios Raftopoulos, Vincent C. Müller

chapter |6 pages

Inferring Unobserved Category Features With Causal Knowledge

ByBob Rehder, Russell C. Burnett

chapter |6 pages

Routine Problem Solving in Groups

ByTorsten Reimer, Klaus Opwis, Anne-Louise Bornstein

chapter |6 pages

Modeling Driver Distraction from Cognitive Tasks

ByDario D. Salvucci

chapter |6 pages

Designing Sets of Instructional Examples to Accomplish Different Goals of Instruction

ByTina Schorr, Peter Gerjets, Katharina Scheiter, Yiannis Laouris

chapter |6 pages

The Psychological Implausibility of Naturalized Content

BySam Scott

chapter |6 pages

Counterfactual Undoing in Deterministic Causal Reasoning

BySteven A. Sloman, David A. Lagnado

chapter |6 pages

Formalizing Affordance

ByMark Steedman

chapter |5 pages

Providing Distinctive Cues to Augment Human Memory

ByJeanine K. Stefanucci, Dennis R. Proffítt

chapter |5 pages

Naive Strategic Thinking

ByEugenia Steingold, P. N. Johnson-Laird

chapter |5 pages

Detecting the Local Maximum: A Satisficing Heuristic

ByYanlong Sun, Ryan D. Tweney

chapter |6 pages

Top-Down versus Bottom-Up Learning in Skill Acquisition

ByRon Sun, Xi Zhang

chapter |5 pages

Incremental Referential Domain Circumscription during Processing of Natural and Synthesized Speech

ByMary D. Swift, Ellen Campana, James F. Allen, Michael K. Tanenhaus

chapter |6 pages

The Role of Consciousness in Second Language Acquisition

ByEdina Torlaković, Andrew Brook

chapter |6 pages

Goal Specificity and the Generality of Schema Acquisition

ByDavid L. Trumpower, Timothy E. Goldsmith, Maureen Below

chapter |6 pages

Precipitate Replications: The Cognitive Analysis of Michael Faraday’s Exploration of Gold Precipitates and Colloids

ByRyan D. Tweney, Ryan P. Mears, Robert E. Gibby, Christiane Spitzmüller, Yanlong Sun

chapter |6 pages

Graphically Speaking: Do Graphics Affect Perspectives in Event Conceptualization? 1

ByIchiro Umata, Yasuhiro Katagiri, Atsushi Shimojima

chapter |6 pages

When participants are not misled they are not so bad after all: A pragmatic analysis of a rule discovery task

ByJean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Sandrine Rossi, Walter Schroyens

chapter |6 pages

Deriving a conclusion from relational premises

ByJean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Walter Schaeken

chapter |6 pages

Working Memory Capacity and the Nature of Generated Counterexamples.

ByNiki Verschueren, Wim De Neys, Walter Schaeken, Géry D’Ydewalie

chapter |6 pages

A Study of Object-Location Memory

ByHongbin Wang, Todd R. Johnson, Jiajie Zhang, Yue Wang

chapter |6 pages

Combining belief and utility in a structured connectionist agent architecture

ByCarter Wendelken, Lokendra Shastri

chapter |6 pages

Computer Augmented Psychophysical Scaling

ByRobert L. West, Ronald L. Boring, Stephen Moore

chapter |6 pages

Adapting to a Response Deadline in Categorization

ByA. J. Wills

chapter |6 pages

A Vector Model of Causal Meaning

ByPhillip Wolff, Matthew Zettergren

chapter |6 pages

A Self-Organizing Connectionist Model of Character Acquisition in Chinese

ByHongbing Xing, Hua Shu, Ping Li

chapter |6 pages

Uncertainty in Causal and Counterfactual Inference

ByDaniel Yarlett, Michael Ramscar

chapter |4 pages

Linguistic cues enhance the learning of perceptual cues

ByHanako Yoshida, Linda B. Smith

chapter |4 pages

How are speech and gesture related?

ByHanako Yoshida, Linda B. Smith, Raedy M. Ping, Elizabeth L. Davis

chapter |6 pages

Toward An Action Based Taxonomy of Human Errors in Medicine

ByJiajie Zhang, Vimla L. Patel, Todd R. Johnson, Edward H. Shortliffe

chapter |6 pages

Why do metaphors seem deeper than similes?

BySergey S. Zharikov, Dedre Gentner

chapter |6 pages

Is Competitive Learning an Adequate Account of Free Classification?

ByJan Zwickel, A.J. Wills

part |69 pages

Member Abstracts

chapter |1 pages

A Formal Analysis of Intelligent Agents with Mathematical Tools

ByZippora Arzi-Gonczarowski

chapter |1 pages

Distinct Errors Arising From a Single Misconception

ByRyan S. Baker, Albert T. Corbett, Kenneth R. Koedinger

chapter |1 pages

Belief in the Hot Hand Improves Performance: A Mathematical Model

ByBruce D. Burns

chapter |1 pages

Human reasoning: an analysis of the mathematical problem-resolution strategies

ByManoel Caetano, Adriana Soares

chapter |1 pages

The Role of Logical Structure and Premise Believability in Belief Revision

ByDustin P. Calvillo, Russell Revlin

chapter |1 pages

Displacement affects duration estimation, but not the other way around.

ByDaniel J. Casasanto, Lera Boroditsky

chapter |1 pages

Evaluating Information Design for Notification Systems

ByC. M. Chewar, D. Scott McCrickard

chapter |1 pages

The Recognition of Overlapped Chinese Characters at Two Spatial Scales

ByYu-Ju Chou, Richard Shillcock

chapter |1 pages

Learning the Dynamics of Vowel to Vowel Phonotactics

ByOrlando Bisacchi Coelho, Edson Françozo, Eleonora Albano, Laudino Roces, Pablo Arantes, Renato Basso

chapter |1 pages

Measures of Real Time Assessment to use in Adaptive Augmentation

ByMartha E. Crosby, Curtis Ikehara, David N. Chin

chapter |1 pages

Semantic Memory Retrieval During Conditional Reasoning: Every Counterexample Counts

ByWim De Neys, Walter Scbaeken, Géry D’Ydewalle

chapter |1 pages

Categorization of Emergent Processes by Students at Different Levels of Expertise

ByRandi A. Engle, Michelene T. H. Chi

chapter |1 pages

Epistemic Belief and Semantic Categorization

ByZachary Estes

chapter |1 pages

Learning from Transformational and Derivational Worked-out Examples

ByPeter Gerjets, Katharina Scheiter, Stefan Kleinbeck, Ute Schmid

chapter |1 pages

The Role of Cognitive Modeling in Enhancing Dynamic Decisions

ByCleotilde Gonzalez

chapter |1 pages

Developing a Framework for Understanding Scientific and Technological Thinking: Notes from a Workshop

ByMichael E. Gorman, Alexandra Kincannon

chapter |1 pages

Automated Detection of Strategies in Free Text Responses

ByAnthony Harrison, Lelyn Saner, Celestine Cookson, Darcie Kunder, Christian D. Schunn

chapter |1 pages

ACT-R/S: A Computational and Neurologically Inspired Model of Spatial Reasoning

ByAnthony M. Harrison, Christian D. Schunn

chapter |1 pages

Belief Revision and Reasoning

ByUri Hasson, Philip N. Johnson-Laird

chapter |1 pages

Recency Effects in Category Learning are Dynamic and Adaptive

ByMatt Jones, Winston R. Sieck

part |46 pages

This Article Withdrawn by Author

chapter |1 pages

The Roles of Context and Working Memory in Probability Matching

ByAlexandra P. Kincannon

chapter |1 pages

The Structure of Linguistic Spatial Representation

A test for psychometric structure using Japanese spatial terms
ByTakatsugu Kojima, Takashi Kusumi

chapter |1 pages

The Effect of Attentional Distraction in the Tempo-Naming Task

ByLaura Leach, Christopher Kello

chapter |1 pages

Why Animated but not Static? The Spatial-Temporal

ByTerence C. P. Lee, Albert W. L. Chau, Benise S. K. Mak

chapter |1 pages

Domain Knowledge and False Memory

ByYuh-Shiow Lee, Han-Yu Lin

chapter |1 pages

Acquisition of Landmark Knowledge from Static and Dynamic Presentation of Route Maps

ByPaul U. Lee, Heike Tappe, Alexander Klippel

chapter |1 pages

Bongard problems and symbolic approaches: a skeptical look

ByAlexandre Linhares

chapter |1 pages

Allocation of Attention in Neural Network Models of Categorization

ByToshihiko Matsuka, James E. Corter, Arthur B. Markman

chapter |1 pages

How Goals Affect Evaluations of Animation Effectiveness

ByJulie Bauer Morrison

chapter |1 pages

Cognitive Principles in a Computational Engineering Design Methodology

ByJarrod Moss, Kenneth Kotovsky, Jonathan Cagan

chapter |1 pages

The Role of Exploration and Forward Checking in Human Scheduling

ByStefani Nellen, Joachim Funke

chapter |1 pages

Strategies and eye movement of an expert in a video-game

ByHidemi Ogasawara, Takehiko Ohno

chapter |1 pages

Not so Fast! (And not so Frugal): Rethinking the Recognition Heuristic

ByDaniel M. Oppenheimer

chapter |1 pages

Mental Rotation Transfer

ByPhilip Pavlik, John Anderson

chapter |1 pages

What do you understand for X?

ByCélia Lúcia Gomes Pessanha, Adriana Soares

chapter |1 pages

Mental representation in mathematical problem resolution

ByMaridelma Pourbaix, Adriana Soares

chapter |1 pages

Browsing Multiple Texts under Time Pressure

ByWilliam R. Reader, Stephen J. Payne

chapter |1 pages

Color Palettes for Displays: Optimization by Genetic Algorithm

ByJohn Rehling

chapter |1 pages

Letter Spirit: An Architecture for Creativity

ByJohn Rehling

chapter |1 pages

How to Make a Computer Conscious

ByAlexei V. Samsonovich

chapter |1 pages

The Role of Prior Beliefs in Processing Analogical Arguments

ByLelyn Saner, Christian D. Schunn

chapter |1 pages

A Pyramid Model of the Perception of Partially Visible Figures

ByMichael R. Scheessele, Zygmunt Pizlo

chapter |1 pages

Learning by Collaborating Revisited: Individualistic vs. Convergent Understanding

ByHajime Shirouzu, Naomi Miyake

chapter |1 pages

Retrieval Effects on Confidence in General Knowledge

ByWinston R. Sieck, J. Frank Yates

chapter |1 pages

Perception matters: Effects of perceptual richness on categorization

ByVladimir M. Sloutsky, Anna V. Fisher

chapter |2 pages

Investigating Cognitive Gain in a Logical Experiment

ByAdriana Soares, Cabral Lima

chapter |1 pages

What Does it Take to Pass the False Belief Task? An ACT-R Model

ByLara M. Triona, Amy M. Masnick, Bradley J. Morris

chapter |1 pages

The Grounding of Symbols in Affordances

ByWilliam H. Vidal

chapter |1 pages

Flexible use of prospective and retrospective memories

ByHoratiu Voicu

chapter |1 pages

Motivational Patterns During Hypermedia Learning

ByRegina Vollmeyer, Falko Rheinberg, Bruce D. Burns

chapter |1 pages

Preschool Children’s Use of Auditory Information in Drawing Inferences about Animal Kinds

ByWinnie H.K. Wai, Benise S.K. Mak

chapter |1 pages

If Only I Had Acted Differently: Reasons and Actions in Counterfactual Thinking

ByClare R. Walsh, Ruth M.J. Byrne

chapter |1 pages

The interaction effect of medium and pedagogy on semantic knowledge structure

ByAlex Li Wang-On, John A. Spinks

chapter |1 pages

The Neural Instantiation of Number

ByJohn W. Whalen, Frank Morelli

chapter |1 pages

Partial Analogical Transfer in Problem Solving: Roles of Centrality and Order

ByTsunhin J. Wong, Albert W. L. Chau

chapter |1 pages

“If” is easier than “or” in the GRE

ByYingrui Yang, Philip N. Johnson-Laird

chapter |1 pages

A Computerized Lexical Database of Cantonese

ByMichael C. W. Yip