As new digital forms of formal and informal learning proliferate, there is an increasing need to better understand how people in different regions of the world are implementing massive open online courses (MOOCs) and other forms of open educational resources (OERs). Educators, researchers, politicians, and numerous other stakeholders want to grasp what the outcomes of these initiatives are and how they can be improved. Ongoing e-learning developments related to both technology and pedagogy have pushed institutions and organizations to grapple with issues of accreditation, credentialing, quality standards, innovative assessment, and learner motivation and attrition, among other areas of concern.

In response, MOOCs and Open Education Around the World explores and illuminates unique implementations of MOOCs and open education across regions and nations. The book also focuses on the various opportunities as well as the dilemmas presented in this rapidly evolving age of technology-enabled learning. What are the different delivery formats, interaction possibilities, assessment schemes, and business models? What are the key controversies or issues that must be discussed and addressed? This edited collection explains MOOCs and open education trends and issues in a variety of contexts, shares key research findings, and provides practical suggestions and recommendations for the near future.

part 1|29 pages

MOOCs and Open Education

chapter 2|9 pages

The Single Canon

MOOCs and Academic Colonization

chapter 3|9 pages

MOOCs and Open Education in Japan

The Case of the Open University of Japan

part 2|34 pages

Open Education Opportunities Now and On the Horizon

chapter 5|12 pages

Enabling Open Education

A Feasibility Protocol for Australian Higher Education

part 3|38 pages

Researching and Evaluating Notions of MOOCs and Openness

chapter 7|11 pages

Strange Bedfellows?!

What Can MOOCs Learn from Distance Education?

chapter 8|11 pages

MOOCs Down Under

Insights from the Open2Study Experience

chapter 9|14 pages

Reflections of an Early MOOC Provider

Achievements and Future Directions

part 4|40 pages

Thoughts on the Quality of MOOCs and OER

chapter 10|14 pages


A Tool for Characterizing the Pedagogical Approaches of MOOCs

chapter 11|11 pages

Quality Assurance for Open Educational Resources

What’s the Difference?

part 5|60 pages

Designing Innovative Courses, Programs, and Models of Instruction

part 6|60 pages

MOOCs and Open Education in the Developing World

part 7|24 pages

MOOCs and Open Learning Alternatives in Corporate Settings

chapter 24|6 pages


A New World of Free Certified Learning

part 8|53 pages

Future Glimpses and Open Options

chapter 26|13 pages

The Learning Future

Personalised Learning in an Open World

chapter 27|12 pages

Peer2Peer and Open Pedagogy of MOOCs to Support the Knowledge Commons

Personalised Learning in an Open World

chapter 28|12 pages

MOOCs 2030

A Future for Massive Online Learning

chapter 29|13 pages

Open Options

Recapping This Book with Eyes on the Future