Developing an up-to-date critical framework for analysing urban retrofit, this is the first book to examine urban re-engineering for sustainability in a socio-technical context. Retrofitting Cities examines why retrofit is emerging as an important strategic issue for urban authorities and untangles the mix of economic, competitive, ecological and social drivers that influence any transition towards a more sustainable urban environment.

Retrofitting Cities comparatively explores how urban scale retrofitting can be conceptualised as a socio-technical transition; to critically compare and contrast different national styles of response in cities of the north and global south; and, to develop new research and policy agendas on future development of progressive retrofitting. Bringing together a group of researchers from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds that reflect the complexity of the research challenge, Retrofitting cities looks across different infrastructures and types of built environment, dealing with diverse urban contexts and examining formal as well as community responses. This is a uniquely practical book for urban planning and policy professionals as well as for researchers in urban studies and urban design.

chapter 1|10 pages


ByMike Hodson, Simon Marvin

part 1|94 pages

The problematic of urban retrofit and its dynamics

chapter 2|21 pages

Seismic shifts and retrofits

Scale and complexity in the seismic retrofit of California bridges
ByBenjamin Sims

chapter 3|18 pages

Retrofit in Greater Manchester and Cardiff

Governing to transform or to ungovern?
ByCarla De Laurentis, Mike Hodson, Simon Marvin

chapter 4|18 pages

Socio-technical innovation in heat networks

Challenges of financing new systems in UK cities
ByJanette Webb

chapter 5|16 pages

Retrofitting biogenic urban infrastructure

ByStephanie Pincetl

chapter 6|19 pages

Innovation in urban networks

Co-evolving consumer roles
ByBas J.M. Van Vliet

part 2|87 pages

Governing and organising urban retrofit

chapter 7|12 pages

Retrofitting global environmental politics?

Networking and climate action in the C40
ByMichele Acuto

chapter 8|16 pages

Grassroots innovations vs. green cluster initiatives

Reconciling two different approaches in housing energy retrofit programming
ByPhilip J. Vergragt, Halina Szejnwald Brown

chapter 9|15 pages

Beyond the split incentive

Governing socio-technical relations in private rental housing retrofit
ByRalph Horne, Tony Dalton, Susie Moloney

chapter 10|21 pages

NGOs as intermediaries for pro-poor urban electrification

ByBipasha Baruah

chapter 11|21 pages

From consumers to customers

Regularizing electricity networks in São Paulo’s favelas
ByAndrés Luque-Ayala

part 3|79 pages

Experimenting with and learning from retrofit

chapter 12|17 pages

Placing low carbon transitions

Learning to retrofit in living laboratories
ByJames Evans

chapter 13|20 pages

Demonstrating retrofitting

Perspectives from Australian local government
ByRobyn Dowling, Pauline McGuirk, Harriet Bulkeley

chapter 14|19 pages

Partnerships for climate change in Maputo, Mozambique

ByVanesa Castán Broto, Emily Boyd, Jonathon Ensor, Sirkku Juhola

chapter 15|15 pages

Retrofit transitions and the creative dynamics of squat tech

ByJana Wendler, James Evans

chapter 16|6 pages


ByMike Hodson, Simon Marvin