Bringing together sociolinguistic, linguistic, and educational perspectives, this cutting‐edge overview of codeswitching examines language mixing in teaching and learning in bilingual classrooms. As interest in pedagogical applications of bilingual language mixing increases, so too does a need for a thorough discussion of the topic. This volume serves that need by providing an original and wide-ranging discussion of theoretical, pedagogical, and policy‐related issues and obstacles in classroom settings—the pedagogical consequences of codeswitching for teaching and learning of language and content in one‐way and two‐way bilingual classrooms.

Part I provides an introduction to (socio)linguistic and pedagogical contributions to scholarship in the field, both historical and contemporary. Part II focuses on codeswitching in teaching and learning, and addresses a range of pedagogical challenges to language mixing in a variety of contexts, such as literacy and mathematics instruction. Part III looks at language ideology and language policy to explore how students navigate educational spaces and negotiate their identities in the face of competing language ideologies and assumptions. This volume breaks new ground and serves as an important contribution on codeswitching for scholars, researchers, and teacher educators of language education, multilingualism, and applied linguistics.

part I|2 pages

Theory and Context

part II|2 pages

Teaching and Learning

chapter 4|26 pages

Codeswitching and Mathematics Learners

How Hybrid Language Practices Provide Resources for Student Participation in Mathematical Practices

chapter 5|34 pages

Sandwiching, Polylanguaging, Translanguaging, and Codeswitching

Challenging Monolingual Dogma in Institutionalized Language Teaching

part III|2 pages

Policy and Ideology

chapter 8|20 pages

¿Qué quieren de mí?

186Examining Elementary School Teachers’ Belief Systems about Language Use in the Classroom

chapter 9|18 pages

Translanguaging in the Classroom

Implications for Effective Pedagogy for Bilingual Youth in Texas

chapter 10|22 pages

Chicanx and Latinx Students’ Linguistic Repertoires

Moving Beyond Essentialist and Prescriptivist Perspectives

chapter 11|21 pages

“You’re Not a Spanish-Speaker!”—“We Are All Bilingual”

The Purple Kids on Being and Becoming Bilingual in a Dual-Language Kindergarten Classroom

chapter |14 pages


On Contested Theories and the Value and Limitations of Pure Critique