Departing from largely ineffective medically-oriented approaches to the problems of drug abuse/education, the contributors to this volume present relevant empirical findings and theoretical models within a comprehensive psychosocial framework, which draws upon recent advances in understanding the physiological, psychological, interpersonal, and social forces that are the causes of youthful drug addiction.

part I|2 pages


chapter Chapter 1|13 pages

Applications of a Theory of Drug Use to Prevention Programs

ByGeorge J. Huba, Joseph A. Wingard, Peter M. Bentler

chapter Chapter 4|8 pages

Education about Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs—A Challenge to Our Schools

BySeymour Eiseman

chapter Chapter 5|11 pages

Which Way Drug Education?

ByStephen F. Wepner

chapter Chapter 6|11 pages

Drug Education—A Turn On or A Turn Off?*

ByMichael S. Goodstadt

chapter Chapter 7|7 pages

A Critique of Values: Clarification in Drug Education

ByChwee Lye Chng

part II|2 pages


chapter Chapter 9|6 pages

Adolescent Drug Use and Intentions to Use Drugs in the Future: A Concurrent Analysis*

ByGeorge J. Huba, Joseph A. Wingard, Peter M. Bentler

chapter Chapter 10|12 pages

Alcohol Use and Self-Esteem of Adolescents

ByWayne R. Mitic

chapter Chapter 11|13 pages

Multivariate Prediction of Cigarette Smoking Among Children in Grades Six, Seven and Eight*

ByLinda L. Pederson, Jon C. Baskerville, Neville M. Lefcoe

chapter Chapter 13|10 pages

Patterns of Drug Use Among Mexican-American Potential School Dropouts

ByJames E. Bruno, Lynn Doscher

chapter Chapter 14|11 pages

The Relationship Between Self-Reported Religiosity and Drug Use by College Students

ByCarol J. Turner, Robert J. Willis

chapter Chapter 15|6 pages

Empirically-Derived Hierarchy of Use for Psychotropics: A Cost Benefit Index*

ByKhalil A. Khavari, Frazier M. Douglass

part III|2 pages


chapter Chapter 16|6 pages

Sources of Information About “Drugs”

ByMargaret A. Sheppard

chapter Chapter 17|11 pages

Trends in Use of Alcohol and Other Substances on Television*

ByBradley S. Greenberg, Carlos Fernandez-Collado, Devid Graef, Felipe Korzenny, Charles K. Atkin

chapter Chapter 18|7 pages

Smoking, Drugging and Drinking in Top Rated TV Series*

ByBradley S. Greenberg

chapter Chapter 19|4 pages

Films and Drug Education

ByMargaret A. Sheppard, Michael S. Goodstadt

chapter Chapter 20|13 pages

Opinions of Seventh to Twelfth Graders Regarding the Effectiveness of Pro- and Anti-Smoking Messages*

BySamuel W. Monismith, Robert E. Shute, Richard W. St. Pierre, Wesley F. Alles

chapter Chapter 21|16 pages

A Cross-Cultural Field Study of Drug Rehabilitation Methodologies in Sweden and the United States* **

ByRobert D. Mann, Joseph Wingard

chapter Chapter 22|9 pages

Use of Gestalt Therapy Within a Drug Treatment Program

ByStephen I. Sideroff

chapter Chapter 23|11 pages

Issues in the Training of Alcoholism Counselors

ByAndris Skuja

chapter Chapter 24

Drug Program Evaluation: Outcome Measures

ByJohn W. Murphy