A collection of papers that challenge the conventional analyses of the problems facing health, medicine and medical care in Western societies in general, and North America in particular.

part 1|1 pages

The Definition of Health and Medicine

chapter 1|18 pages

The Social Nature of the Definition of Health

BySander Kelman

chapter 2|21 pages

The Industrialization of Fetishism or the Fetishism of Industrialization

A Critique of Ivan Illich
ByVicente Navarro

part 2|1 pages

The Political Economy of Health Care

chapter 4|8 pages

Health Care in the United States: Who Pays?

ByThomas S. Bodenheimer

chapter 5|16 pages

Capitalizing on Illness: The Health Insurance Industry

ByThomas Bodenheimer, Steven Cummings, Elizabeth Harding

chapter 6|29 pages

The Political Economy of Medical Care

An Explanation of the Composition, Nature, and Functions of the Present Health Sector of the United States
ByVicente Navarro

part 3|1 pages

The Political Sociology of Gender and Functions

chapter 7|20 pages

Women and Health Care: A Comparison of Theories

ByElizabeth Fee

part 4|1 pages

The Political Sociology of The State Intervention

chapter 8|12 pages

On the Structural Constraints to State Intervention in Health

ByMarc Renaud