Throughout the twentieth century there had been substantial links between scientific psychology and education. Binet, Dewey, Thorndike, and other early pioneers were strongly interested in both realms. Taking advantage of a period of enthusiasm, this title, originally published in 1983, looks at the amalgamation of the recent advances at the time in theory and research in education and psychology, with a particular focus on cognition, motivation and social policy. This volume presents and discusses the implications of this work on learning and motivation for educational policy.

part I|4 pages

Instructional Issues

chapter 1|34 pages

Toward a Cognitive Theory of Instruction

ByLauren B. Resnick

chapter 2|22 pages

In Search of a Model of Instructional Research in Reading

ByP. David Pearson, Rob Tierney

chapter 3|22 pages

Child as Coinvestigator: Helping Children Gain Insight into their own Mental Processes

ByMarlene Scardamalia, Carl Bereiter

chapter 4|30 pages

Forms of Understanding in Mathematical Problem Solving

ByJames G. Greeno

part II|2 pages

Motivation and Achievement

chapter 6|26 pages

Motivated Cognitions

ByMartin V. Covington

chapter 7|14 pages

Some Thoughts about Feelings

ByBernard Weiner

chapter 10|18 pages

Children’s Theories of Intelligence: Consequences for Learning

ByCarol S. Dweck, Janine Bempechat

part III|2 pages

Education and Public Policy

chapter 11|24 pages

Intellectually Talented Students: The Key is Curricular Flexibility

ByJulian C. Stanley, Camilla P. Benbow

chapter 13|14 pages

Social Science and Social Policy: A Role for Universities

ByMorton W. Weir