Causal models are formal theories stating the relationships between precisely defined variables, and have become an indispensable tool of the social scientist. This collection of articles is a course book on the causal modeling approach to theory construction and data analysis. H. M. Blalock, Jr. summarizes the then-current developments in causal model utilization in sociology, political science, economics, and other disciplines. This book provides a comprehensive multidisciplinary picture of the work on causal models. It seeks to address the problem of measurement in the social sciences and to link theory and research through the development of causal models.Organized into five sections (Simple Recursive Models, Path Analysis, Simultaneous Equations Techniques, The Causal Approach to Measurement Error, and Other Complications), this volume contains twenty-seven articles (eight of which were specially commissioned). Each section begins with an introduction explaining the concepts to be covered in the section and links them to the larger subject. It provides a general overview of the theory and application of causal modeling.Blalock argues for the development of theoretical models that can be operationalized and provide verifiable predictions. Many of the discussions of this subject that occur in other literature are too technical for most social scientists and other scholars who lack a strong background in mathematics. This book attempts to integrate a few of the less technical papers written by econometricians such as Koopmans, Wold, Strotz, and Fisher with discussions of causal approaches in the social and biological sciences. This classic text by Blalock is a valuable source of material for those interested in the issue of measurement in the social sciences and the construction of mathematical models.

part I|1 pages

Simple Recursive Models and Path Analysis

chapter |5 pages

Edited ByH.M. Blalock

chapter 1|16 pages

Spurious Correlation: A Causal Interpretation*

ByHerbert A. Simon

chapter 2|16 pages

Four-Variable Causal Models and Partial Correlations*

ByH. M. Blalock

chapter 4|26 pages

Path Analysis: Sociological Examples*

ByOtis Dudley Duncan

part II|1 pages

Simultaneous-Equation Techniques

chapter |6 pages

Edited ByH.M. Blalock

chapter 6|22 pages

Identification Problems in Economic Model Construction*

ByTjalling C. Koopmans

chapter 7|12 pages

Recursive versus Nonrecursive Systems: An Attempt at Synthesis*

ByRobert H. Strotz, H. O. A. Wold

chapter 8|22 pages

The Application of a System of Simultaneous Equations to an Innovation Diffusion Model *

ByRobert Mason, Albert N. Halter

chapter 10|12 pages

Two Theorems on Ceteris Paribus in the Analysis of Dynamic Systems *

ByFranklin M. Fisher, Albert Ando

chapter 11|22 pages

Sensitivity Analysis of Arbitrarily Identified Simultaneous-Equation Models *

ByKenneth C. Land, Marcus Felson

part III|1 pages

The Causal Approach to Measurement Error and Aggregation

chapter |5 pages

Edited ByH.M. Blalock

chapter 12|22 pages

Theory, Deduction, and Rules of Correspondence

ByHerbert L. Costner *

chapter 13|11 pages

Estimating the Parameters of Path Models Involving Unmeasured Variables

ByCharles E. Werts, Robert L. Linn, Karl G. Jöreskog

chapter 14|58 pages

Multiple Indicator Models Using Lisrel

ByJerald R. Herting

chapter 15|74 pages

Respecification in Multiple Indicator Models

ByJerald R. Herting, Herbert L. Costner

chapter |8 pages

Multiple Indicators and Complex Causal Models

ByJohn L. Sullivan

chapter |37 pages

Problems of Aggregation

ByMichael T. Hannan