Pulling together a collection of richly informative essays Rethinking Imagination addresses competing sets of ideas, oscillating between the modern and post-modern, creativity and sublimity, progress and apocalypse, democracy and redemption Enlightenment and Romanticism and reason and imagination.

Aiming to thematise these debates from the perspective of the imagination, Rethinking Imagination takes two directions. The first addresses a socio-cultural interpretation in which the distinguishing figures of modernity can be viewed as continuing differentiation and autonomatization of spheres and systems that goes well beyond the divisions of labour. The second is an ongoing philosophical discourse about the imagination and its relation to reason which has been present since Enlightenment.

Divided into two separate yet interconnected parts, this book is a highly significant collection of essays and a valuable contribution to the field of philosophical and socio-cultural sociology. It is a key book for undergraduate, postgraduate and academic researchers.

chapter |11 pages


ByJohn Rundell

part I|71 pages

Decentring society, recentring the subject

chapter 1|15 pages

A society of culture: the constitution of modernity

ByGyorgy Markus

chapter 2|18 pages

The Apocalyptic imagination and the inability to mourn

ByMartin Jay

chapter 3|17 pages

The elementary ethics of everyday life

ByAgnes Heller

chapter 4|19 pages

European rationality

ByNiklas Luhmann

part II|101 pages

Creating imagination

chapter 5|31 pages

Creativity and judgement: Kant on reason and imagination

ByJohn Rundell

chapter 6|18 pages

Imagination in discourse and in action

ByPaul Ricoeur

chapter 7|19 pages

Radical imagination and the social instituting imaginary

ByCornelius Castoriadis

chapter 8|16 pages

Reason, imagination, interpretation

ByJohann P. Arnason

chapter |15 pages

Sublime theories: reason and imagination in modernity

ByDavid Roberts