First published in 1986, The Decline of Arab Oil Revenues explores the fall in the economic value of Arab oil reserves in the 1980s. Some of the threats to Arab countries include depletion of oil resources, rise of alternative sources of energy, international policies designed to control oil prices and growing conflicts of interest between producing and consuming countries. The editors suggest that any decline in oil revenues would negatively affect the economic, political, social and psychological structure of Arab societies since they are yet to explore non-oil sources of wealth. Consequently, the editors stress on the importance of researching the desert, which covers 94% of Arab lands, as a potential source of wealth. Given the current global shift towards sustainable forms of energy, this book is a timely reminder of the economic and political implications of such a shift on Arab countries for students of political science, international relations, geography, and economics.

chapter 1|35 pages

Decline in Arab Oil Revenues

ByM.M. El-Imam

chapter 2|11 pages

Prospects for Arab Oil Revenues

ByThomas Stauffer

chapter 3|5 pages

Factors Affecting Demand for Arab Oil

ByFadhil J. Al-Chalabi

chapter 4|8 pages

Alternative Sources of Energy

ByV.M. Batenin

chapter 7|16 pages

Social and Psychological Impact on the Arab World

ByMohammed Al-Rumaihi

chapter 8|5 pages

Social Tension in the Arab World in the Post-oil Era

BySaad Eldin Ibrahim

chapter 9|8 pages

Economic Impact on Arab Relations with the Third World

ByMeghnad Desai

chapter 11|10 pages

Economic Impact on the Arab World

ByBurhan Al-Dajani

chapter 12|20 pages

Economic Impact on Development in Arab Countries

ByAbdullah El-Kuwaiz

chapter 14|8 pages

Conclusions and Recommendations

The Arab Research Centre
ByAbdel Majid Farid, Hussein Sirriyeh