Wine as commodity has received enormous academic attention, while wine as gift has largely eluded significant dedicated research and analysis. This book addresses this lacuna with insights from leading scholars from a range of disciplines exploring wine as gift in different moments of history, across a variety of production to consumption contexts, and across societies and cultures. The book draws on examples from Australia, China, Croatia, France, Italy, Moldova, United Kingdom and Aotearoa New Zealand. Through the analysis of wine as gift, indeed often as a commodity-gift hybrid, this book significantly enhances understandings of the intertwined economic, societal, political and moral aspects of wine and its production, exchange, and consumption.

Wine and the Gift: From Production to Consumption will appeal to researchers and undergraduates from a wide range of disciplines, including sociology, history, anthropology, cultural studies, geography, marketing, and business studies.

  1. Wine as Gift and Commodity – An Imbricative Hybrid
  2. The Gifting of Wine: Language, Representation and the Commodity Form
  3. On Divine Wine: Wine Gifts Between Gods and Humankind
  4. Hospitality, Gift Economy and Commercial Folklore
  5. The Gifting of Champagne, 1850-2000: Public Performance or Personal Intimacy?
  6. Terroir Aura: Tibetan Wine as Gift in China’s Southwest
  7. ‘Without friends, you don’t exist’: The Value of Favours in Istrian Winemaking
  8. Gifted Winemakers and the Commerce of Wine Gifting
  9. Gifts That Pay For Themselves
  10. Made To Give Away: Homemade Wine and the Gift
  11. Gifting Dynamics of Calibrating and Aligning: An Exploratory Study of Expat Chinese Wine Gifting
  12. Spitting or Sitting: The Commodification of Wine Tasting and Drinking as a Gift in Piedmont,Italy
  13. Wine and the Gendered Self-Gift: Conceptual Considerations