In this book, the authors share an interest in and experience of migration in relation to stressed or traumatised patients whom they have treated or through their areas of expertise through the developmental life cycle.

Preface -- Introduction -- Childhood -- Internal and external migration in infancy and childhood: the re-presentation of absence in a mother—baby couple—a case study in psychoanalytic parent—infant psychotherapy -- Learning to walk down the corridor: body image, catastrophic anxieties, and supportive internal figures -- Adolescence -- Finding out where and who one is: the special complexity of migration for adolescents -- Adulthood -- Migration, loss, and connectedness: two analytic cases -- "Neither rhyme nor reason": migrating to the rigidity of narcissism as a defence against chaos and pain -- Old Age -- Another country? migration, displacement, and internal dislocation in old age -- Migration in Couples and Families -- Migrating between self and others: mentalisation-based therapy with families -- External and internal migration in couples -- Culture and Society -- "Fed with tears, poisoned with milk": the way out from under the shadows of the Holocaust -- "Tears are better than blood; words are better than tears": can we address current, ongoing conflict? -- Migration and creativity -- Art and Psychoanalytic Perspectives -- Roots, identity, and loss in the work of two émigré artists