All the contributors to this compilation knew Bion personally and were influenced by his work. They include: Herbert Rosenfeld, Frances Tustin, Andre Green, Donald Meltzer and Hanna Segal.Wilfred R. Bion has taken his place as one of the foremost psychoanalysts of our time, yet it is only within recent years that the impact of his achievements are being felt. His death has stilled his pen and voice but demands a restatement of his view by those who have been most influenced by him. Bion's greatness lay, not only in the odd vertices of his incredible observations, but in the resources of his epistemological vastness, his respect for truth obtained in the disciplined absence of memory and desire, and his paying such scrupulous attention to and interpreting of recombinant constructions he achieved with mental elements their functions, and their transformations. His was the Language of Achievement, which is the tongue begotten by patience. Of note is his introduction of Plato's theory of forms and Kant's categories into psychoanalytic metapsychology, to say nothing of his mathematical, group and religious theories.

chapter |6 pages

A Personal Reminiscence: Bion, Evidence of the Man

ByFrank Philips

part |194 pages

Clinical Contributions

chapter |14 pages

On the Analyst’s “Sleep” During the Psychoanalytic Session

ByRichard Alexander

chapter |23 pages

To Practice One’s Art

ByBernard W. Bail

chapter |10 pages

Bion and Babies*

BySusanna Isaacs Elmhirst

chapter |10 pages

Toward the Experiencing of Psychic Pain*

ByBetty Joseph

chapter |12 pages

Autistic Phenomena in Neurotic Patients

BySydney Klein

chapter |24 pages

Using Bion’s Grid as a Laboratory Instrument: A Demonstration

ByFrederick Kurth

chapter |16 pages

Psychological Birth and Psychological Catastrophe

ByFrances Tustin

part |388 pages

Theoretical Contributions

chapter |24 pages

Negation and Contradiction

ByAndre Green

chapter |10 pages

The Aims of Psycho-Analytic Treatment

ByElliott Jaques

chapter |14 pages

Philosophical Issues in Bion’s Thought*

ByMelvin R. Lansky

chapter |48 pages

Some Communicative Properties of the Bipersonal Field

ByRobert J. Langs

chapter |39 pages

Reflecting With Bion

ByIgnacio Matte-Blanco

chapter |8 pages

A Note on Bion’s Concept “Reversal of Alpha-Function”

ByDonald Meltzer

chapter |14 pages

Cognitive Development*

ByR.E. Money-Kyrle

chapter |20 pages

A Mental Atlas of the Process of Psychological Birth

ByMichael I. Paul

chapter |10 pages

The Function of Dreams

ByHanna Segal

chapter |12 pages

Notes on the Desire for Knowledge

ByHans A. Thorner

chapter |24 pages

Metapsychology After Forty Years*

ByJ.O. Wisdom

part |49 pages

Contributions on Groups

chapter |6 pages

Contributions on Groups

Edited ByJames S. Grotstein

chapter |14 pages

A Study of Very Small Groups

ByRobert Gosling

chapter |6 pages

Bion’s Contribution to Thinking About Groups

ByIsabel Menzies Lyth