This ground-breaking volume provides an encompassing and detailed account of clinical psychologists' highly varied work on the psychiatric ward in mental health inpatient settings. An international collection of clinical psychologists describe challenges and achievements inherent to their work, illustrating application of established, state-of-the-art, and cutting-edge methods and modes of intervention, assessment, therapeutic work, training, and leadership roles currently practiced in these settings.

Chapters present numerous examples of psychologists' ability to contribute in multiple ways, benefiting patients, staff, and the overall functioning of the ward. Each of the book’s four sections is dedicated to a specific domain of the clinical psychologist’s work within the psychiatric inpatient setting. These include systemic modes of intervention; psychotherapeutic interventions; assessment and psychodiagnosis; and internship and supervision.

From novice to experienced practitioners, psychologists will gain insight from the innovative and creative ideas this book brings to the practice of clinical psychology, as well as the practical suggestions that will enhance the varied interventions and therapeutic work they do in such settings.

chapter |8 pages


The Practice of Clinical Psychology in the Mental Health Inpatient Setting
ByMeidan Turel, Michael Siglag

part 1|2 pages

Systemic Multiple Modes and Levels of Intervention

chapter |6 pages

Introduction to Part 1

ByMeidan Turel, Michael Siglag

chapter 1|14 pages

Therapy Beyond Walls

The Clinical Psychologist’s Multi-Level Work in the Psychiatric Ward
ByMark Andrew McFetridge

chapter 2|19 pages

The Clinical Psychologist in an Open Inpatient Setting

A Psychoanalytic Perspective
ByMarilyn Charles

chapter 3|19 pages

Clinical Psychologists in Australian Inpatient Mental Health Units

Enhancing Effectiveness and Relevance with a Human Rights Focus
ByPeter Walker, Sophie Li

chapter 5|14 pages

The Benefit of Behavior Support Plans in Psychiatric Inpatient Settings

ByJimmy I. Kim, Peter J. D’Amico

chapter 8|10 pages

On Trying to Stay Sane in Insane Places

A Personal Account of a Clinical Psychologist’s Challenges on the Psychiatric Inpatient Ward
ByJim Geekie

chapter 9|23 pages

A Path Taken

A Psychologist’s Professional Journey Within the Psychiatric Inpatient System
ByMichael Siglag

part 2|2 pages

Psychotherapeutic Interventions in the Mental Health Inpatient Setting

chapter |27 pages

Introduction to Part 2

ByMeidan Turel, Michael Siglag

chapter 10|21 pages

All Brief Therapy is Not Created Equal

The Contribution of Psychology to Short-Stay Mental Health Inpatient Admissions
ByManish Parswani, Malcolm W. Stewart

chapter 11|19 pages

Continuity Model of Care

Working across Acute Inpatient to Community-Based Clinical Psychology
ByKim Griffiths, Hannah Green, Suzie Lemmey

chapter 12|20 pages

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis on the Inpatient Unit

The Role of the Clinical Psychologist
BySally E. Riggs

chapter 13|12 pages

Psychotherapy in an Inpatient Ward

A Clinical Psychologist’s Use of Psychoanalytic Informed Work with Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma
ByBeatriz S. Curtis

chapter 14|16 pages

Mentalization and Psychotherapy

A Way to Understand Patient Violence on the Psychiatric Inpatient Unit
ByDione Johnson-Williams

chapter 15|18 pages

The Clinical Psychologist’s Work in a Forensic Psychiatry Ward

Building a Transitional Space for Individuals with Mental Disorders Who Committed Crimes
ByHilik Peri

part 3|2 pages

Assessment and Psychodiagnosis in Mental Health Inpatient Settings

chapter |6 pages

Introduction to Part 3

ByMichael Siglag, Meidan Turel

chapter 16|16 pages

Psychodynamic Psychological Testing in the Mental Health Inpatient Setting

A Way of Listening, Learning, and Holding Patients and Psychotherapists
ByChristina Biedermann, Jeremy Ridenour, Spencer E. Biel

chapter 17|27 pages

“Listening to the Music of the Mind”

The Uses of Psychological Assessment in the Diagnosis of Psychotic Disorders in a State Psychiatric Center
ByPaul Saks

chapter 18|19 pages

The Role of Psychological Testing in an Inpatient Psychiatric Setting

A Mentalizing Approach
ByShweta Sharma, Patricia Daza

part 4|2 pages

Clinical Psychology Internship and Supervision in the Mental Health Inpatient Setting

chapter |6 pages

Introduction to Part 4

ByMichael Siglag, Meidan Turel

chapter 19|14 pages

A Clinical Psychology Intern’s Experience of Training in an Inpatient Unit

No Training Wheels
ByDaria Mamon

chapter 21|15 pages

The Most Difficult Lesson

The Impact of Patient Suicide on Training in an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital
ByPatricia Daza, Shweta Sharma

chapter 22|11 pages

An Intern’s Experience on an Acute Closed Ward

From a Shadow to a Bird: The Psychotherapeutic Process of Mr. B.
ByKarin Reddie

part |2 pages

Editors’ Perspectives and Closing Remarks

chapter 23|13 pages

Weaving with a Relational Thread

The Clinical Psychologist’s Use of Empathy in Work in the Mental Health Inpatient Setting
ByMeidan Turel

chapter 24|15 pages

Concluding Thoughts

Past and Present Trends, Future Directions
ByMichael Siglag