Trade and technology transfer have come to occupy a major role in Soviet-American relations. Twice in recent years embargoes have been imposed on the sale of U.S. high technology to the U.S.S.R., and these sanctions have had wide-ranging political and economic consequences in the Soviet Union, Europe, and the United States. The Politics of East-West Trade draws together leading U.S. and European scholars, government officials, and businesspeople to explore the complex issues arising from U.S. trade policies toward the Soviet Union. The book begins with an assessment of the degree to which the Soviet economy is dependent on Western technology imports. In subsequent chapters, in addition to assessing the general nature and volume of U. S .-U. S. S .R. trade, the contributors consider the extent to which Western technology has helped or hindered Soviet economic and technological growth; the specific impact of U.S. trade sanctions in four critical sectors (computers, energy, agriculture, and defense); and the impact in the West of U.S. trade policies (for example, recent embargoes have resulted in the loss of several billion dollars in U.S. equipment and commodity sales to the U.S.S.R.). Examining the serious strains that differences over East-West trade policy have put on U.S. relations with its West European allies, the authors conclude that there are tangible limits on the ability of the United States to use technology trade as leverage to alter Soviet policies.

chapter 1|32 pages

The Politics of East-West Trade

ByGordon B. Smith

chapter 4|14 pages

Comparative Advantage in Soviet Grain and Energy Trade

ByJan Vanous

chapter 5|19 pages

The Impact of U.S. Export Controls on the Soviet Computer Industry

ByS. E. Goodman

chapter 8|15 pages

East-West Trade, Technology Transfer, and Western Security*

ByDonald J. Goldstein

chapter 11|27 pages

The Western Alliance and East-West Trade: In Pursuit of an Integrated Strategy

ByGary Bertsch, John R. McIntyre

chapter 12|9 pages

East-West Trade: A European Perspective

ByLothar C. A. Griessbach

chapter 13|12 pages

The Future of East-West Trade

ByGordon B. Smith