Postcolonial Animalities, co-edited by Suvadip Sinha and Amit R. Baishya, brings together ten essays to consider the interfaces between "human" and "animal" and the concrete presence of animals in postcolonial cultural production. This edited collection critiques monohumanist conceptions of the "human" and considers the co-constitutiveness of imaginaries of the human with grammars of animality. One of the central contributions of this volume is to decolonize existing conceptualizations of the human-animal relationship, and to consider the material representation of animals within the realm of colonial and postcolonial cultural production from the perspective of ethical alterity and alternative narratives of anticolonial and postcolonial politics. The volume also explores entanglements of race and species in colonial and neocolonial frameworks without transforming such inquiries into a zero-sum game that privileges one category over another. The essays in the volume, focusing on multiple geographical locations ranging from South Asia, Southeast Asia, post-Ottoman Turkey, the Caribbean, Australia, South Africa and Palestine/Israel, historicizes and understands multispecies, interspecies and transspecies encounters, affiliations and connections in and through their localized dimensions, and studies human-animal encounters in their varied and complex affective relationalities. Through such inquiries, the volume considers how modes of representing animals, including located forms of anthropomorphism and zoomorphism, help us think-with and be-with different animals.

chapter 1|25 pages


Postcolonial Animalities
BySuvadip Sinha, Amit R. Baishya

part Section I|21 pages

Theoretical Considerations on Postcolonial Animalities

chapter 2|21 pages

“A Strangeness beyond Reckoning”

The Animal as Surplus in Postcolonial Literature
ByGautam Basu Thakur

chapter 3|22 pages

Ethics and Politics of Postcolonial Animalities

ByAmit R. Baishya

part Section II|18 pages


chapter 4|18 pages

The Turk That Therefore I Follow

ByEfe Khayyat

chapter 5|19 pages

Who Let the Mad Dogs Out? Trauma and Colonialism in the Hebrew Canon

ByOmri Grinberg, Yiftach Ashkenazi

chapter 6|16 pages

Pariah Dogs—Precarious Cohabitation

BySuvadip Sinha

part Section III|22 pages


chapter 7|22 pages

No Place for Waltzing Matilda

Uncanny Australian Swamps and Crocodiles in Rogue, Black Water, and Dark Age
ByIsaac Rooks

chapter 8|16 pages

Plotting the Elephant Graveyard

Anthropomorphism and Interspecies Conflict in Tania James’s The Tusk That Did the Damage
ByJason Sandhar

part Section IV|20 pages

Human–Animal Interzones

chapter 9|20 pages

Beyond Bare Life

Revitalizing the Animal in Dany Laferrière’s American Autobiography
ByRebecca Krasner

chapter 10|18 pages

Breaking Down Borders

Animal Bodies in Lauren Beukes’s Moxyland and Zoo City
ByMadeleine Wilson

chapter 11|20 pages

Wilder Powers

Magical Animality in Tales of War and Terror
ByJean M. Langford