The political dimension of arms control has always had special significance for the Federal Republic of Germany, not only because of the issue of a divided Germany and a partitioned Europe but also because of the country's key position in the Western security alliance. In the wake of NATO's recent decision to deploy more nuclear weapons on German soil, and in the absence of progress on arms control, it has become clear that arms control measures and negotiations have assumed an importance far beyond their military-technical components; fundamental questions about the nature of East-West relations and the future shape of the transatlantic alliance and the European political order also have been raised. These essays explore the implications of arms control negotiations for the Federal Republic of Germany and consider why Germany has traditionally found it impossible to divorce considerations of arms control from their larger political context.

chapter 2|18 pages

German and U.S. Perceptions of Arms Control

ByPaul E. Zinner

chapter 3|19 pages

The Evolution of West German Public Opinion on Détente Since 1970

ByPeter H. Merkl

chapter 4|12 pages

Arms Control in Europe: Prospects and Problems

ByJonathan Dean

chapter 5|16 pages

Extended Deterrence, No First Use, and European Security

ByJohn P. Holdren

chapter 6|8 pages

Star Wars and Arms Control

BySidney D. Drell

chapter 7|18 pages

Which SDI?

ByEckhard Lübkemeier

chapter 8|15 pages

Strategic Defense and the Future of NATO

BySanford Lakoff

chapter 9|16 pages

SDI: Strategic Disengagement and Independence

ByWolfram F. Hanrieder